The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Fight Club is #10

Lawrence of Arabia is #67
2001: A Space Odyssey in #93

this list is meaningless. It's heavily frontloaded by 20-somethings who only rank movies from within (or close to) their lifetime.

Sounds about right to me.

Fight Club deserves very high praise. The old school stuff is overrated imo. Not all but some of it is.
I love Batman Begins and I love The Dark Knight, everyone knows my thoughts on TDKR but there is no way any of them are "the best films ever made" like people continually try to spew from message board to message board. They're fun, they're interesting, some are thought provoking and they're definitely entertaining. But "THE BEST/TOP FILMS EVER" or "OF 2012", get out of here. Anyone that says that, again, hasn't seen that many films in their life time, nor this year and are narrow minded on one type of film. They might sincerely think that, I'm sure there are some here that do, but they're probably stir crazy for it. It's THEIR favorites, not "the best".

I think TDK is the best of the 3 films - and I think that's reflected accurately in the IMDB list.
TDKR is my favourite though, and I also prefer BB to TDK.

And i've soon a TON of movies in my life, from all time periods.

The only thing that's important is how YOU feel. I can't express that enough. People need to stop posting lists and polls (Solidsnake, Void, most people with a Batman avatar/sig), especially of recent films to justify what's "good" or "bad" to the world. There are no "majorities" or "minorities", not with something as vast as the world we live in with so many types of films, good and bad.


But as long as you, nam and others keep trying to convince the TDKR lovers of how bad it is, we'll continue to use lists, words, and other means to argue otherwise :lol

But as long as you, nam and others keep trying to convince the TDKR lovers of how bad it is, we'll continue to use lists, words, and other means to argue otherwise :lol

I'm not trying to convince anyone. 7 months later, both sides haven't convinced the other, we continue to believe what we want, nothing will change that. Have I ever messaged you and stated, "YO BRO, U WRONG". Nope.

It's more of a balancing act really, a tug of war. I'm 100% positive that it isn't an attempt at convincing the other person (well, maybe in Maglor's case). It's more like, "well, this person just posted a list, rant, or post, I don't agree with it, I must refute it". It's more of a counter really, who can post the "loudest".

There's always going to be things that not everyone agrees with. On the flip side of that, I'm sure there are things we can all agree with and enjoy. We wouldn't be on this message board posting if we didn't have common interests. When I see things I don't agree with about toys or movies, I don't think, "MAN, I HATE THIS PERSON, WHAT AN ANNOYING ****", unless I've been flamed, trolled or insulted. I'm sure opposing sides can agree with this as well.
IMDB ranks Fight Club as the 10th greatest film of *all time.* I'm sticking with TDKR being the best Batman movie ever made but not the best film of 2012.

EDIT: IMDB doesn't have TDKR ranked as the top movie of 2012 either. Django is an 8.8 and TDKR is an 8.7.

Fight Club is in the top 10? Good Lord. :lol

You've not seen 12 Angry Men? GTFO right now!

Classic movie and its in my personal top 4 movies of all time. The messages in this movie are as relevant today as they were then. A must see IMO for any movie going person.
I'm not trying to convince anyone. 7 months later, both sides haven't convinced the other, we continue to believe what we want, nothing will change that. Have I ever messaged you and stated, "YO BRO, U WRONG". Nope.

It's more of a balancing act really, a tug of war. I'm 100% positive that it isn't an attempt at convincing the other person (well, maybe in Maglor's case). It's more like, "well, this person just posted a list, rant, or post, I don't agree with it, I must refute it". It's more of a counter really, who can post the "loudest".

There's always going to be things that not everyone agrees with. On the flip side of that, I'm sure there are things we can all agree with and enjoy. We wouldn't be on this message board posting if we didn't have common interests. When I see things I don't agree with about toys or movies, I don't think, "MAN, I HATE THIS PERSON, WHAT AN ANNOYING ****", unless I've been flamed, trolled or insulted. I'm sure opposing sides can agree with this as well.

Y U NO STOP :lol

Nah I agree with you. We get each other
To be honest, I dont really have a top 10. just certain films I can watch anytime;

The Thing (1982), The Warriors, Dark Knight, Terminator 2, Batman Returns, Lethal weapon 3 and 4, The Mummy, the original SAW film.... probably a few more but I cant remember them.
I'm not trying to convince anyone. 7 months later, both sides haven't convinced the other, we continue to believe what we want, nothing will change that. Have I ever messaged you and stated, "YO BRO, U WRONG". Nope.

It's more of a balancing act really, a tug of war. I'm 100% positive that it isn't an attempt at convincing the other person (well, maybe in Maglor's case). It's more like, "well, this person just posted a list, rant, or post, I don't agree with it, I must refute it". It's more of a counter really, who can post the "loudest".

There's always going to be things that not everyone agrees with. On the flip side of that, I'm sure there are things we can all agree with and enjoy. We wouldn't be on this message board posting if we didn't have common interests. When I see things I don't agree with about toys or movies, I don't think, "MAN, I HATE THIS PERSON, WHAT AN ANNOYING ****", unless I've been flamed, trolled or insulted. I'm sure opposing sides can agree with this as well.

So, basically, it's a pissing contest between the two sides?
Also to completely rubbish Celtic Ps silly claim that people only vote 1 or 10:

Looper (2012) has 86% of its votes that are NOT a 1 or 10. :wave

Have you ever been on IMDB?

Every movie is racist, dumb, ****, offensive, lame, gay, retarded, awesome, best ever, worst ever, and racist.

I wouldn't take a single bit of advice from ANYONE on that site.
Also, didja know that TDK was considered the greatest movie of all time on IMDB at one point? Beat out The Godfather too.

And now it dropped. Because fans started rating it one's to drop it down.
Have you ever been on IMDB?

Every movie is racist, dumb, ****, offensive, lame, gay, retarded, awesome, best ever, worst ever, and racist.

I wouldn't take a single bit of advice from ANYONE on that site.

I'm well aware of the juvenile crowd that uses the message boards at IMDB.

But most people who vote on there don't use those boards, including myself.

And yes TDK is not the only one which got a barrage of 1s from haters, The Godfather itself has 1s too, it all balances out in the end. Thats the power of statistics my friend
Have you ever been on IMDB?

Every movie is racist, dumb, ****, offensive, lame, gay, retarded, awesome, best ever, worst ever, and racist.

I wouldn't take a single bit of advice from ANYONE on that site.

It's top 3 films are Shawshank, Godfather and Godfather II. Sounds about right to me.
Fight Club in the top ten LOL..damn Chuck Palahniuk hipsters.
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