The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Littlefinger ain't even mad.

.............GoT guy was CIA guy in TDKR?
...he was on The Wire, too, wasn't he (I haven't seen it yet, but it's next on my list once I finish up The Shield)?
I don't spend a lot of time in this thread being the Tolkien fanboy that I am, even though I really enjoyed TDKR. But in an effort to bring some cheer back into this thread seeing it's a new year, I offer the following which I borrowed from another thread...

:peace :grouphug

Watched TDKR again.

Still enjoyed. but each time I watch it, it disapoints me just that little bit more in what couldve and shouldve been. Id actually revise my opinion;


This film should be called, Batman of the Future or something where he comes out of retirement. Theres a huge story missing and ill reiterate it to my death.

*edit* The dark Knight returns. Sod if it copies the name of the millar book. But thats what it should be called. Its a return from retirement film. TDK left us with a hero finally finding his meaning, and he can take whatever is thrown at him.
I gotta give Nolan credit, he kept with it for three highly profitable films... none of which dipped as low as the Schumacher era. I like how he resisted turning the movies into big toy commercials. But wow, I think I have to agree that Heath's death really knocked the wind out of Nolan's camp. I think they wanted to bury Batman to help close this chapter of their lives.

It's a nice sentiment. He almost had an Iron Giant moment at the end. Somehow it just doesn't feel right. He's not a Christ character and he's not a Dread Pirate Roberts. How can a man so singularly driven, so superhumanly obsessed just stop because of a blubbering nanny of a butler? Or settle down with a stray cat?

You can make almost everything about him believable. You can give him nifty cutting edge tech, you can try to dress him up practically, but he's not meant to be understood. Ever. That's his mystery and that's his edge.

We can't bury him; he's already buried. Wayne Manor is his tombstone. All his money, ingenuity and training ever did was reflect his abyss back out into the world. His inextinguishable grief fuels the vigilante but again we're not meant to fathom it.

He works best in small doses. He'll vanishes if you stare too long. He would be content to leave us arguing against each other like a bunch of panicked eyewitnesses. We know we saw something but we'll never get the story straight.

I hope they bring the mystery back somehow.
I was looking at this video right now actually.

and when is hot toys going to release "the Bat" or otherwise known as the plane like aircraft in the movie.
They really cleaned his voice up and his lines are delivered quite different. I think problem is, I prefered the unaltered version as it didnt sound so.... not forced, but i guess exagerated.
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