The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Old unused promo art for Batman Begins



Pretty unique.I like how the Wayne tower looks like Batman, and the fact that the idea of "Dark Knight Rises" has been in Nolan's head even way back then. But yeah, I prefer the ones we got though :lol
I just cleaned up a major derail/insults, etc.... If it happens again, then it may just be time to close this thread up.
They really cleaned his voice up and his lines are delivered quite different. I think problem is, I prefered the unaltered version as it didnt sound so.... not forced, but i guess exagerated.

Exactly. Before it sounded more natural.
Watched the film again with a friend who didnt see it. And im starting to get more angry each time I watch it.

'from here banes men control the tunnels' cue a 30 second fight. seriously. it shouldve been at least 5 minuets long. If theres only 5 guards to the point where Bane made his home under applied sciences, they why the ***** couldnt 3000 police/SWAT easily find them? It shouldve been an epic stealth fight. The scene with the muzzle flashes lighting batman is so ****ing iconic, but its all done to piss.

Such a waste. 2nd fight with bane. total waste. When he punctured the mask first, and we see bane punching holes in the pillar, we needed to see Bane adapt his style to protect his mask. Which means we needed a longer fight showing Batman adapting his style to goad Bane into a false attack. Bane was an absolute ***** in the 2nd fight; 'OH NOES I MUST PLAY WITH MY MASK HE PUNCTURED 2 OF THE 6 TUBES', not 'IM GOING TO BEAT 7 COLOURS OF SHEITE OUT OF YOU, GET HERE YOU COMPLETE PIECE OF CRAP'.

So, so much potential to be had.So, so much wasted. Its actually starting to hurt now, because the more i watch the more angry I am.
I used to hate the movie but the more I read this thread and posts by Difabio the more I started to not hate it.

Like someone else said here once, Not even Batman and Robin got this much analysis and hate. That made me realize people are obsessing too much with the hate for this.

Void's posts also made me see the movie in different light. I mean I don't like it still but this movie is just a movie. There is no point in analyzing every single second of it.
Watched the film again with a friend who didnt see it. And im starting to get more angry each time I watch it.

'from here banes men control the tunnels' cue a 30 second fight. seriously. it shouldve been at least 5 minuets long. If theres only 5 guards to the point where Bane made his home under applied sciences, they why the ***** couldnt 3000 police/SWAT easily find them? It shouldve been an epic stealth fight. The scene with the muzzle flashes lighting batman is so ****ing iconic, but its all done to piss.

Such a waste. 2nd fight with bane. total waste. When he punctured the mask first, and we see bane punching holes in the pillar, we needed to see Bane adapt his style to protect his mask. Which means we needed a longer fight showing Batman adapting his style to goad Bane into a false attack. Bane was an absolute ***** in the 2nd fight; 'OH NOES I MUST PLAY WITH MY MASK HE PUNCTURED 2 OF THE 6 TUBES', not 'IM GOING TO BEAT 7 COLOURS OF SHEITE OUT OF YOU, GET HERE YOU COMPLETE PIECE OF CRAP'.

So, so much potential to be had.So, so much wasted. Its actually starting to hurt now, because the more i watch the more angry I am.

So besides all the stuff that has been mentioned can someone tell me why Lucias Fox would even cooperate or work for Bruce Wayne " to get back in the game" when he obviously knows Bruce is Batman and Batman is wanted by everyone in Gotham for the murder if Harvey Dent.
He wouldn't help Batman if he was using everyone's cell phone signal to find he Joker but murder is ok?
Alfred and Fox seem to be the only two people who know all the secrets of Bruce's double life. It really isn't a stretch to assume that Fox would be in on the secret of how Dent really died.
Alfred and Fox seem to be the only two people who know all the secrets of Bruce's double life. It really isn't a stretch to assume that Fox would be in on the secret of how Dent really died.

I would say that would be true but fox already told Wayne I don't want to know why or what you are doing with all the Wayne Enterprises equipment. Plus why would they still be talking without Fox just saying Batman could use this new gadget. Etc.

My view on the Nolan trilogy as a lifelong Bat fan is.
Batman Begins - great Batman film, hits more of the Batman origin than any other film. Could use a few more scenes of various training around the world other than making it look like all of his training was with the League of Shadows, and where is the worlds greatest detective part of the character.
The Dark Knight - great crime drama action film. You could basically cut Batman, Joker, out of it and insert a random action/drama hero and villain (John Mclain, James Bond etc.) and it would do little to change the story.

The Dark Knight Rises - so many painfully obvious plot holes I almost felt embarrassed for Nolan while watching it. Not to mention the portrayal of Batman's very character. Not just a bad Batman movie, but a badly put together movie that I found barely watchable. I like Nolan as a director 95% of the time but this was rushed out too fast.
well I can post wherever I want decpite whatever you say to me. So maybe being polite would be something you may want to consider.

well I can post wherever I want decpite whatever you say to me. So maybe being polite would be something you may want to consider.

Your not gonna find it here, especially with Celtic. Take it from me.
I don't spend a lot of time in this thread being the Tolkien fanboy that I am, even though I really enjoyed TDKR. But in an effort to bring some cheer back into this thread seeing it's a new year, I offer the following which I borrowed from another thread...

:peace :grouphug


Still think Beyonce would be a perfect Poison Ivy. I know im in the minority but she can act and she can easily portray that lustful appearence. To bad Nolan only chose "realistic" villains.
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