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Gonna start by saying I actually really like MOS.

But MOS suffered from execution vs ambition.

Its take on Superman is a great idea, grounded and character-driven.

The problem, IMO is in the execution - silly little decisions by Snyder that were a touch too self-indulgent and needed to be reigned in.

For example, the drab colour filter, though part of Snyder's style, coupled with the themes and somewhat bleak atmosphere and soundtrack was just too much, having some brighter colours would have mitigated these factors all exacerbating each other.

The over-emphasis on Jesus imagery was just too much and became a little hammy.

Some more thought in the overall plot was needed, a few headscratchers in there.

Letting Pa Kent die through inaction is utterly foolish and rightly mocked - showing Clarks limits by having his father die from something out of his power like a heartattack would be more powerful.

The film needed a little more humanity, moments of fun and joy to give Clark a human connection outside his mother and Lois - which is why decisions like killing Jimmy Olson as a "joke" always infuriated me.

Have a bit more wonder, a bit more hope and a bit more fun.

None of that need detract from the vision, but rather enhance it.

Snyder's vision of an unsure Superman on a spiritual journey is a great idea - the problem is that I never feel he organically "finds" that place in the final act despite some lines paying lip-service to that sentiment - and that incomplete feeling of a heros journey, plus the overall bleak tone, left a bad taste in some of the audience's mouths.
