The Force Unleashed 2 reviews start coming in...

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I enjoyed the Demo... felt like more of the original and that's okay with me. I did like seeing the charred stormtrooper limbs flying about :lol
Just finished playing it...
It's bad, bad, bad. And I loved the first. No wonder Haden Blackman left (even though he went and formed his own company); this thing is a repetitive, unimaginative stinker.

Shortest. Game. Ever. =(

I was fighting Vader, saying out loud, "Man, this feels like a climactic battle. No way could this be the climactic battle, right? I mean, I just started playing the game, like, 10 minutes ago!"

Yep. That was the climax. Great stroy, mind you. But I'm pretty sure that the credits lasted longer than the actual game.
damn... repetitive game play within a game that is "too short" is unacceptable these days.
I stopped in the first one because it got too repetitive and nothing but hacking and slashing, after 10 minutes it got seriously old but the graphic were great tho but game play sucks! Thanks to the reviews for Pt2, I think I just save me some cash!
I feel like I paid 60 bucks for 6 gorgeous cutscenes.

Seriously, the game is short! There's only like 3 levels...Dagobah doesn't count. All you do is walk around. I got tired of fighting all the mechs and droids as well. The living enemies are always more fun, imo. The voice acting took a step back and what exactly is the truth that we uncovered? I'm still not exactly sure if I'm a clone or not ESPECIALLY after the dark side ending.

The game looks great, but doesn't have the familiar Star Wars feel of the first. There just wasn't enough of the main SW characters (Yoda, Fett, Vader were in the game for about.....10 minutes total COMBINED). Did I hate the game? No. It is fun in my opinion. But it feels like the game wasn't finished. Like somewhere along the line the company said okay we can't finish the whole story so let's just end the game here and slap this boring boss fight on it at the end to have a conclusion.
i think the gaming industry's downfall will be where their money is allocated... there seems to be more thought to advertising a game than designing it. it is like the music industry all over again...
Hmph. I bought the $80 "Collector's Edition." :(

Ditto, but I took it back after seeing how lame the CE was and swapped it for the standard one.

I don't hate the game but I have to force myself to like it. Definitely doesn't "feel" right; something's a miss...
word is that they scrapped all plans for A force unleashed 3 based on the reviews and reactions.

going to go out on a limb and say they pulled a reverse left for dead, and put out an unfinished game just to meet deadlines.

Bet there is going to be QUITE a few downloadable levels for this one.

just watch.
Hmm, good to know, but to be honest I was terribly disappointed with the first one. Lots of good reviews but I thought it was very boring... Probably wouldn't have picked this one up anyway but glad to know I definitely won't be missing out on anything.
Big disappointment for me, I wish I would have saved my money and got a 501st trooper. I wont be getting number III, I'll just rent it.