So ... it is because she's a chick. Like I said. Fair enough.
I didn't say there was anything specifically "not to love" about her. I liked her fine. I just didn't find anything about her all that compelling. She was a fairly run-of-the-mill henchman that put up a pretty good fight. I've seen better.
Like you said ... she was fairly unique, as henchmen go, in that she was pretty, and she was a she. Though I would dispute the non-existence of "powerful women" in movies overall (hell, Lois Lane was as good an example in this very movie, and, incidentally, makes more sense to me for a HT release), they don't make very many appearances as henchmen outside of Bond flicks. Then again, pretty much the exact same character appeared in a Superman movie three decades ago -- despite the notable lack of clamoring for a HT Ursa figure -- so maybe not as groundbreaking as you'd think. Either way, "pretty" and "female" aren't character traits, they're demographics. Demographic uniqueness ain't much to go on.
Eh. Still seems like a small side-character that's been blown out of proportion. It'd be an easy pass.