Media The Last Of Us 2

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Not sure if this really is a confirmation, there's nothing really official and some other sites would have noted it too, wouldn't they?
Didn't even know they were considering a sequel.
I know they did that live stage show 1 off thing and saw some interview where they said it a nice 'final goodbye' to Joel and Ellie ...or something along those lines...
I could see them not focusing on Joel and Ellie, because there isn't honestly much to add to their story that wasn't covered by Left Behind. They could show Joel struggling to adapt to the new world after Sarah dies, him and Tommy surviving and what not. Maybe a bit with Tess...but that's all.

I wouldn't want to see any other characters from the game elaborated on though, like ****ing Henry and Sam >_>
So there's an official release date that's officially in maybe 2017/2018. That sounds official. :D
It's going to happen anyways. Naughty Dog would be leaving WAY too much cash on the table to not do a sequel. I just wish they would get in Hot Toy's ear already.
Implying that will change anything...HT is high off Marvel :lol
The only way I want a sequel is if it's set in the same world, but Joel and Ellie have almost no involvement. Their story is wrapped, it was amazing - don't dilute it.
I would like to see it set in different country...maybe the UK

Or a story which connects two countries south America and the US etc..
If that were the case, I'd be fine with an older Ellie.

either way, I'm fine with any game that puts us back into that world and has just as good or better story and characters.
This isn't really news, we knew TLOU2 was coming. Uncharted4 doesn't come out till 2016 holiday, so it's far away.

The only news this possibly gives us may be that TLOU2 comes out in 2017
They've been hinting at grown up ellie for awhile now I refuse to believe that concept art they released last year was nothing. It screams sequel in that whole picture