The next star wars diorama?

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I forsee Darth Loki killing your ***** ass with a shotgun.

Oh wait, that's tonight.

Let me see, I have feeling yet another Luke is in our future...............
hmmmmmmmmmm... interesting. Another lightsaber duel or maybe a quiet moment in the cantina between Han and Greedo?
I forsee Darth Loki killing your ***** ass with a shotgun.

Oh wait, that's tonight.

Let me see, I have feeling yet another Luke is in our future...............

I kept waiting for that to happen last night, I guess you got bored of waiting and walked away eh? :D
I'm hoping for another lightsaber duel dio, or at least something really awe-inspiring like a Jabba palace dio or something filled with lots to absorb. The slug and Sandtroopers look nice, but they don't have the kind of impact when you look at them as the Anakin vs Obi-Wan and Dooku vs Yoda, to me dios do better when there's emotion to the moment or a large array of visuals to be amazed by.
I want Darth Maul vs Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan from TPM but I'm thinking we're due for an OT one.
My top choices would be one of these:


I would also like Vader throwing the emperor down the shaft with Luke cowering below. I would buy that too. :cool:
Wow, y'all have some great ideas for dioramas. I didn't think this would be a line i would have much to do with, but hearing some of your ideas I can see myself buying more than I expected. The throne room duel and Luke cradling Vader would look great side by side.
Now is the news about another "duel" diorama(the VS. series)? Or is it to be another "moment" diorama (ala the "Look Sir ,Droids")

If it's "VS", I'd love to see Obi-Wan vs. Grevious Bodyguard...(I.Hand bridge)
If it's a "moment" one, I'd really like to see Obi-Wan astride the Boga with Cody handing him his saber hilt...

I like all those "classic" moments folks are bringing up, but let's see some "curveballs" in the offering too...
It'd be quite elborate, but imagine a dio of Palpatine hurling Mace Windu into the Coruscant night with Anakin looking on. The good part is the Sith lightning could be Windu's support so you wouldn't have to have an unsightly support rigs.
And if the lightning could light up!

I'd love that, but with the Ani-Obi dio presenting a great chance to use lights on these pieces and passing on it, I have a feeling these will all be pure polystone pieces, which is ok, but there are certain points where some nice LED work would really add to the piece. If the lava base for the duel dio lit up, it'd look great overall, but also cast cool lighting on Anakin and Obi-Wan also. Same thing, my Vader funeral dio idea, I'd love LEDs in a flickering effect in the flames to make it look more like fire. SSC could do it in a sophisticated way, it wouldn't have to look like a cheap toy.