The Terminator 1/4 Custom Project

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Super Freak
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Got tired of waiting for hot toys 1/4 figure and decided to have fun and try to do mine.
Figure Will be composed of Enterbay parts and recast of Sideshow premium statue parts.

Here is the EB BD body with rambo pants.
They fit great but are black.

After giving them the beach treatment i got the pleasing surprise to see that the original color was actually khaki.
It was still too clear so i gave them a dye, olive green.
Looks great but might give them another dye to make it darker...

Little test with the EB T2 jacket/grey shirt/boots/dyed rambo pant.
Broke the pants zip grrrrrrr

Reworked the BD EB body to give more it muscles and normal left knee.

To be continued :)
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Thanks mate.

More work done this time on the jacket.
Original EB T2 jacket

Still need to add a zipper on the left, and some snap button for the collar.

Dremeled the head and after a first test its clear that the sideshow head is tad smaller than the EB headsculpts
(wich are a tad too big tho).
But it still looks pretty badass on the body.

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deserves rep points without hesitation. amount and unicity of work are incredible.
Thanks guys!!!

Lazy tuesday so more work done ^^
Dremeled the boots was planning to make holes inside the boots to fit the EB feet pegs but it wont work.
The resin is too hard too work with, wish i could find someone who could cast in soft plastic.
Also the right boot needs the front to be tilted up to be able to hold different pose than the sideshow statue.

Guns! guns! guns!
With EB hands.
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Indeed. Very interesting. In fact if this turns out well and gets enough proliferation around the internet dare I hope that it'd light a fire under a certain company's arse if they see it.
Thanks for the support everyone :)

Moving forward
Proportions look a bit weird on the photo but he's perfect in hands :)

PS if anybody has a Terminator Eb clean jacket pm please :)
When this is done, I hope it gets enough attention that would make HT get theirs back into production. If it ever was...
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It's pretty much done!
Now it's going to fly to a talented painter who is going to give it life :)))

Thanks again guys for the support.
Hey buddy. Any update on this? Really eager to see the finished result of this awesome custom. 👌😎

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This is still on.
I got everything but I'm not satisfied by some details.
First the boots, they are casted in resin but the upper part is quite thin and I broke a few so I would like to have them casted in soft plastic like hot toys.
The other thing is the weapons, im using recasts if the Sideshow statue and I feel that they are not detailed enough.
They do the trick but you know lol I'm being ocd.
Doogiedoc is doing a m1 launcher and he might do more weapons in 3d sculpt so maybe I'll wait before sending my weapons to the painter.
I might send the headsculpt to be painted tho.
Still alive :)
Hey man that's great news. I run a custom business on Facebook so would be happy to help if needed. Send a pm or if you have Facebook we could chat on there?

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