I absolutely love this video. Oh the nostalgia! Love seeing things before Star Wars became Star Wars. Just seems more real somehow...
It really shows how much our world, even the world of Hollywood, has changed since the mid-70's. I'm not just talking about facial hair either. Not only are there no computers in sight here (which really drives home how innovative these young folks really were)... but it's so cool seeing people having fun while they work. Maybe their fun ways are what contributed to Lucas having chest pains and ending up in the hospital around this time. But can you imagine watersliding at work? I work in Hollywood and would get fired in under 1 minute. Put it this way, even at the company picnic... they'd probably make us sign a 400 page release to cover their butts.
I went to USC film school many moons ago... and I heard a lot of these ILM stories from the older staff guys at USC who knew most of these folks "back in the day". But you never really understand it until you see how things actually were. If a picture is a worth a thousand words, a video like this is worth a million.
One last side note, I spent a lot of time in that very building in the 1990's. Stan Winston Studios moved into the old ILM buildings in Van Nuys, and I had the priviledge of working with Stan for about a year on a project before his passing. (The project never saw the light of day unfortunately). If I only realized the echos I was hearing were from a buncha watersliding hippies! lol....