DC are definitely doing much better with Rebirth. They're actually going up on sales starting to beat Marvel, which hasn't happened in a loooong time.
Well, they did just re-start/relaunch their whole line AND drop the pricepoint. Of course they're gonna dominate the sales. Question is, can they keep it up? Personally, I really hope they do, just so that Marvel can go back to focusing on great stories, and not just being diverse.
The thing with Rebirth is that it's all much more streamlined. You have the Heavy Hitters (JL, Batman, Superman, etc, etc), the Cult Favourites (Constantine, Deathstroke, etc, etc) and then you have the Peripherals (Detective, Action, etc, etc) and some Left-Field Titles (Doom Patrol, Lucifer, etc, etc). Then you look at Marvel, which has unrecognizable A-Listers, multiple people with the same name, tons of Z-Listers, and only a handful of good titles. The Silver Lining is that the ones who are good are good, but yeah, I ain't looking forward to another relaunch, headlind by "Riri Suck-illiams" uh, sorry, Riri Williams. A 15 yo kid who managed to make a War Machine armour on par with Stark's, using nothing but spare parts at MIT. So, yet another unbearable teen genius. Whee...
Btw did you see they're releasing a Marvel Legends Kamala? Ultra bought.
I don't really keep up with Legends. Wake me up when they release a Moon Knight... For me, it used to be all about minimates, but, considering the prices, the character selection and all that, I'm leaning towards the MEZCO 1:12 Line. A few years back, we'd get Alpha Flight, current teams, old characters, good stuff all around. Now? The line is full of MCU Waves, with some A-Lister re-tread waves thrown in, and only one or two actually good waves. The Mezco stuff look better and better all day...