Train Insane With Kane, Episode #7: Eating Cat Food w/ Chops...

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Super Freak
Oct 11, 2007
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Skigard Country
In his seventh video episode, Kane Sumabat from Controlled Labs eats some Fancy Feast cat food with chopsticks... Apparently it tastes like 'ash', ROFL!
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That's F'n gross. I can't even stand the smell of cat food let alone the taste of it. I couldn't make out a lot of what they were saying, but is there a lot of protein in that stuff???
hairlesswookiee;bt558 said:
That's F'n gross. I can't even stand the smell of cat food let alone the taste of it. I couldn't make out a lot of what they were saying, but is there a lot of protein in that stuff???

Yep, I haven't tried it... :lol but supposedly super high in protein because it's mainly chicken and fish :lol I'll prolly stick to my chicken breast and egg whites...