True Identity of Darth Sidious?

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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
I know this is going to sound stupid.

But I just finished the Darth Bane books and I have one thought I wanna throw out there: Set Harth = Darth Sidious.

Dunno about that.(i'd have to go back and examine) But i hoped you enjoyed them, i really really did.
I doubt Set is ambitious enough. People can change, just didn't see it.

Though the thought that Bane could have been the Emperor did entertain me, though :)
Set Harth is a Rogue Jedi. He only cares for worldly gain.. not any real ideology. He leaves the Jedi order to become a sort of darker Jedi version of Indiana Jones.

Anyway long story short, he is recruited by a sith to be her apprentice in the event that she beats her master (who she doesn't know has found a sith holocron describing the Sith power of Essence Transfer). Anyway he steals the holocron and runs away from the Sith with plans to live forever by having himself cloned and performing the essence transfer from clone to clone forever always avoiding being found by both Jedi and Sith.

IIRC this is basically what Sidious/Palpatine had been doing. So I figured he just took his time, all the while amassing a wealth of Sith knowledge and infiltrated the Sith pretending to be the apprentice to Darth Plageus until he learned how to create life from the force.

As an aside Lucas got the name "Sidious" from the word "insidious".

Definition of INSIDIOUS
1 awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous b : harmful but enticing : seductive <insidious drugs>
2 having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle <the insidious pressures of modern life> b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent

Set was ambitious, just not in the same religious way Zannah and Bane were. His ambition was for power and wealth which seems to describe pretty much what Sidious was after too, doesn't it?
Set Harth is a Rogue Jedi. He only cares for worldly gain.. not any real ideology. He leaves the Jedi order to become a sort of darker Jedi version of Indiana Jones.

Anyway long story short, he is recruited by a sith to be her apprentice in the event that she beats her master (who she doesn't know has found a sith holocron describing the Sith power of Essence Transfer). Anyway he steals the holocron and runs away from the Sith with plans to live forever by having himself cloned and performing the essence transfer from clone to clone forever always avoiding being found by both Jedi and Sith.

IIRC this is basically what Sidious/Palpatine had been doing. So I figured he just took his time, all the while amassing a wealth of Sith knowledge and infiltrated the Sith pretending to be the apprentice to Darth Plageus until he learned how to create life from the force.

As an aside Lucas got the name "Sidious" from the word "insidious".

Definition of INSIDIOUS
1 awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous b : harmful but enticing : seductive <insidious drugs>
2 having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle <the insidious pressures of modern life> b of a disease : developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent

Set was ambitious, just not in the same religious way Zannah and Bane were. His ambition was for power and wealth which seems to describe pretty much what Sidious was after too, doesn't it?

Great conclusion but I think you're overthinking it. :huh :lol
another thought, Masters would trend, I think, to take apprentices who are of a similar mindset to them. Perhaps he is Plageus?
No he's not plageus - who's munn and to be honest even as a eu reader I hope he's not anything of significance
and we know he's not Plageus how?

I think sithlord13 maybe right. Set Harth is human and Plagueis is of the Munn species or at least he was gonna be in the canceled Darth Palgueis novel. He was also depicted as a Munn in Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force book which is "canon" I belive (don't quote me on that though).
Ah, i'd not take anything from a canceled book As Canon, though the jedi vs sith book will work.

True but like I said, in the Jedi vs. Sith book Pleguise was depicted in the art and described as a Muun. There was also a miniatures figurine of him I belive that also depicted him as a Muun.

Here's the pic of him and a young Pappa Palps from the Jedi vs. Sith book