Unaltered OT Appreciation Thread

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y'know, I remember when Emperor Palpatine was just THE EMPEROR. We didn't know is name. We didn't NEED to know his name. It was enough to know he was the F-ing EMPEROR and he was Vader's Boss. That made him a mysterious and creepy villain.

No, he didn't ruin ROTJ , his character was totally different than in ANH and ESB. Don't get me wrong Han is my favorite Character, but in Jedi he just seemed along for the ride with not much going on for him to really do.

Harrison felt the same way, which is why he asked George if he could die heroically at some point in the film.
y'know, I remember when Emperor Palpatine was just THE EMPEROR. We didn't know is name. We didn't NEED to know his name.

If you watch the PT and then ANH:SE and ESB:SE before ROTJ it loses almost all of its signature reveals. It used to be the movie that introduced Jabba, Bib Fortuna, Vader's shuttle tydirium, Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor, green lightsabers and speeder bikes.

Which is too bad because every single one of those had more impact when introduced in ROTJ than their respective appearances in the PT and SE's.
y'know, I remember when Emperor Palpatine was just THE EMPEROR. We didn't know is name. We didn't NEED to know his name. It was enough to know he was the F-ing EMPEROR and he was Vader's Boss. That made him a mysterious and creepy villain.


His name wasn't stated in the film, but if I recall correctly, he always had a name, right?

If you watch the PT and then ANH:SE and ESB:SE before ROTJ it loses almost all of its signature reveals. It used to be the movie that introduced Jabba, Bib Fortuna, Vader's shuttle tydirium, Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor, green lightsabers and speeder bikes.

Which is too bad because every single one of those had more impact when introduced in ROTJ than their respective appearances in the PT and SE's.

And force lightning. I would've liked that to have at least been saved for Palpatine only, even if he did use it in ROTS. I'm no OT appreciator, though. I like them all, including most of the changes GL has made. :D
And force lightning.

Yep. And another perfect example. Which had more cinematic impact, the Emperor unleashing a barrage of lightning against a defiant Luke Skywalker on the Death Star or Count Dooku frying a sprinting Justin Timberlake while backlit by some badly rendered digital rocks?
Well if you're going to go there the impact of "No Luke, I am your father" loses all of it's initial impact.
Yeah. It would have been nice if George had constructed the PT in such a way that the identity of Vader's children weren't revealed. He could have made it seem that Anakin and Vader were two different people even in ROTS. All he really had to do was not have Palpatine give him a Sith name until after he's left for dead on Mustafar, and of course don't show the operating room sequence where he gets the suit. He's just the new black clad apprentice who shows up after Anakin burns to death, and he's more badass than all previous apprentices combined. Then in ESB we find out who he really is. Oh well.
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Yeah. It would have been nice if George had constructed the PT in such a way that the identity of Vader's children weren't revealed. He could have made it seem that Anakin and Vader were two different people even in ROTS. It would have required more screen time for suited Vader to have effectively pulled it off, but allowing a viewer to watch all six films from 1-6 without learning that Luke is Vader's son until ESB would have been truly inspired filmmaking.

That would've been sweet. He could've even just left out the Vader suiting up scenes and left it at Anakin getting picked up by Palpatine. Then you wouldn't know he was in the Vader suit until ESB.
Next week I am going to try watching them in this order for the first time:

IV, I, II, V, III, VI.
Yeah. It would have been nice if George had constructed the PT in such a way that the identity of Vader's children weren't revealed. He could have made it seem that Anakin and Vader were two different people even in ROTS. All he really had to do was not have Palpatine give him a Sith name until after he's left for dead on Mustafar, and of course don't show the operating room sequence where he gets the suit. He's just the new black clad apprentice who shows up after Anakin burns to death, and he's more badass than all previous apprentices combined. Then in ESB we find out who he really is. Oh well.

Anakin's last name, Skywalker would be a dead giveaway. And given that pretty much everybody had seen ESB and ROTJ before the PT, we all knew the story anyway, so not sure why he would've even tried.
Anakin's last name, Skywalker would be a dead giveaway. And given that pretty much everybody had seen ESB and ROTJ before the PT, we all knew the story anyway, so not sure why he would've even tried.

Exactly. The nature of the beast in making a prequel, so to speak.
Only that he was Anakin's son, a gifted Jedi who went bad and had a gruesome end. It didn't have to be revealed that he was also the son of the black suited Sith Lord who was terrorizing the galaxy by destroying entire planets.

Okay, so he needs to go create a mind-wiping device so that everybody can forget ever seeing ESB and ROTJ?! I could understand if they were released in order, but the PT was made well after the fact and everybody knows that not only is Darth Vader actually Anakin Skywalker but that Luke and Leia are his children, so I don't get why you're even debating this.
Only that he was Anakin's son, a gifted Jedi who went bad and had a gruesome end. It didn't have to be revealed that he was also the son of the black suited Sith Lord who was terrorizing the galaxy by destroying entire planets.

Except that everyone and their grandma has known that for decades.

Kids (maybe) didn't know, but can you imagine a spoiler in a movie franchise which 1/6 of the worlds population was aware of? Impossible, IMO.
Okay, so he needs to go create a mind-wiping device so that everybody can forget ever seeing ESB and ROTJ?! :dunno:lol

Just because one generation knows the twist doesn't mean a filmmaker has to take the easy way out. These are movies that will be around for decades. Why spoil it for all future viewers who watch the films in order, or for old fans who just appreciate inspired storytelling?
One generation? Who are you kidding?

My sons knew who Vader was before they had ever seen the movies. :lol