Well, I've only been playing for 3 hours and don’t want to spoil anything, so, i'll just say that this game is very different from previous Uncharted Games in several ways.. (It’s more like TLOU than previous Uncharted games)
On the other hand, visuals are ****ing Great, seriously guys, I didn’t think a console game would impress me so much.. Not just the graphics, the IQ is also amazing, and easily the best IQ I’ve ever seen on a console game. As well as visuals, and LOD (character models and stages) which are insane!
The AA it's simply marvelous, Dunno what kind of AA is (Post-process , SMAA, MSAA or what?).. but at first I thought it was supersampling or something.
Cutscenes (ALL of them in real time, of course) have some kind of motion-blur effect for better & fluid motion.. And the first time you see Nadine on screen, your jaws will drop. That’s for sure 
Almost forgot; Frame rate, is really nice and steady (30fps solid) at least and for now i didn't notice of any fps drops.