That's a nice sculpt... Would you sell head only? For a transporter?
I think it is almost the same case of Adam.
Headplay recast his TLJ but some big mouth said Viva is just a thief as HP , except Rainman speak out for him, almost nobody give a helping hand.
The triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Looks great, where can we get...... full figure or just headsculpt?? please
Ok I'm lost??? Did I miss something here
What does all that got to do with what I asked?
I asked same question CHUYHA85 asked Kato!
So what was all that???
Viva is now fulfilling his mandatory military service so that he make it for his own interest only.
Oh! Ok Kato... Did not get all that other stuff about recast to my question...
Anyway great figure!
Be well my friend
I'm still lost
Is the head a knock off, been put in production??
Not great but not horrible.
The "big mouth" is/are a person/group of people who said that no matter what Headplay did, VIVA was still a thief for sculpting TLJ without "license", labeling all sculptors as thieves in the process.
I don’t want to start a debate but I feel this is just silly. Was Leonardo Da Vinci stealing from Mona Lisa? Did Andy Warhol pay Campbells royalties?
It will be a never ending debate with those people .
I just wonder why they like to visit here where are full of so called thief ?!