Warner Bros. Will Announce New DC Comics Movie; Could It Be JUSTICE LEAGUE ?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Aug 26, 2010
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Just this morning I was thinking of starting a thread about the future of DC movies and low and behold I find an article,https://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=97067 addressing just that.

It seems DC is gaining its confidence and is ready to announce a film series based on DC comics, as to which characters they will introduce it does not specify but he does state that one of those movies will be a " Justice League"

DC has gotten of to slow start in terms of announcing upcoming projects in comparison Marvel is already moving to Phase 3 of its movies with Ant Man and the announcement of Captain America 3.

I am looking forward to this as I think DC has a wealth of characters and great story lines to tell all they need is the talent to bring them to life and despite peoples opinion to its last project, Man of Steel, I think that movie demonstrated that they can produce successful entertaining movies post the Dark Knight era.

I hope they branch out beyond the 2 core characters Batman and Superman , but for the time being I see them building on the popularity of these two characters before venturing to other lesser know ones.

Assuming that they don't break from the traditional formula which is to adapt successful comic book stories I almost certain that they would adapt the Death and Return of Superman as well as A death in a family and the Red Hood story line as they are quite popular considering the first popularity has reached an Iconic stage as it was so well executed and the second also involved the death and subsequent return of a beloved character albeit a more anti hero.

Both story arch were very up and coming for their time.

Similar to what marvel has done with Thor, depicting it as royal affair and guardians in the galaxy as avengers in space, DC has its own royalty in Aquaman and its own space adventures in Green Lantern. Both of which provide great plot lines as anyone you has read the recent story arch's can attest to. Geoff Jones has done great work reviving both characters.

Well what more can I say except " And here we go !!!
I'm passing on Justice League and waiting for Justice League reboot sequel in 2030, already announced. That's the one folks, forget whatever they're planning for the meantime.
I hope it's


I have no faith in DC yet. They haven't yet proven they can play with Marvel yet. Marvel slowly built up their universe and it paid off big time. DC just wants the big pay off without all the work. Batman vs Superman is already half a Justice League movie with the characters they've cast. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the third film they make is a full on Justice League. I don't know how they are going to pop a Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg and/or Martain Manhunter into a film and expect people to care about them instead of just the Trinity. Will people go see it? Sure. Superhero movies are bigger and more popular than ever. But that doesn't mean they'll like it. And if they don't like the first one chances are they won't be back for the sequel. I think Batman vs Superman is really DC's make or break time and they've got a lot going against them already with their casting choices.
DC wants to shift the reputation that their characters and brand have had for so long as superheroes-lite to match the current era of Marvel success, but all they can come up with is dark and extreme.
I hope something can be shaken loose in their minds before long.
I have no faith in DC yet. They haven't yet proven they can play with Marvel yet. Marvel slowly built up their universe and it paid off big time. DC just wants the big pay off without all the work. Batman vs Superman is already half a Justice League movie with the characters they've cast. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the third film they make is a full on Justice League. I don't know how they are going to pop a Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg and/or Martain Manhunter into a film and expect people to care about them instead of just the Trinity. Will people go see it? Sure. Superhero movies are bigger and more popular than ever. But that doesn't mean they'll like it. And if they don't like the first one chances are they won't be back for the sequel. I think Batman vs Superman is really DC's make or break time and they've got a lot going against them already with their casting choices.

You are assuming a lot of things that they will introduce all the characters in one movie just because they decided to introduce Batman and Wonder Woman in Man of Steel 2.

And if you look at it it's a smart move on behalf of DC Comics they can introduce Batman without having to redo an origin story Wonder Woman will play a supporting role so not much risk there. As far as the other justice league characters we do not know what the lineup will be I think that they will be able to determine whether or not the character can be introduced with out a solo movie first or will he need a separate introduction. Justice league no matter how grand of a movie is still just one movie they want to build a franchise with their characters.

As far as casting choice if the actors fit in with the overall look of and feel of the movie then it makes sense. We do not know the full details of the story or how it's going to be played out we cannot make it judgment on which actors are best fits. Everything has to serve the story including the actors if they do not then it is not the right fit regardless of how we might like or dislike the actor.
I'm all for anything that's not Supes or Bats. Bring it on, DC!

I don't follow DC comics but as an outside observer it seems quite limited compared to Marvel. In Marvel you have the Cosmic side, the street level side, the X-Men side, the supernatural side & the Avengers side.

In DC it seems you have the Green Lantern Space side, the Batfamily side and the Justice League side. Many of them feature the same characters compared to Marvel which seems yo have a bigger roster throughout.

In before Nam an Jaye say it sucks.

:lol :lol
I'd like to see them redo Green Lantern. Keep Mark Strong as Sinestro though. I thought he was the star of that movie and the only thing that was good about it.