It's been a month now since CloneObi.
So who's NEXT?
Somehow I see this turning into a I-love-Lando thread...
So who's NEXT?
Somehow I see this turning into a I-love-Lando thread...
I love Lando.
It's been a loooooooong time since we got an alien.
How about GREEDO finally?
Preferably Lando, an alien, Tarkin, Tusken, C3P-O or R2-D2... JUST NOT ANOTHER VERSION OF A CHARACTER WE'VE ALREADY HAD: save the reprises for later Sideshow.
Continuing with the Clone Wars theme, my guess would be an ARC Trooper. Vader will be a SDCC announcement, and I think we will see Stormtrooper Han pretty soon... as the SDCC Exclusive figure.