What about sculpted sitting bodies?

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Portland, OR
If we are having so much difficulty getting our figures to fit in our cars and elsewhere, I would love to see a third party company tackle modular nude figures for specific poses like sitting where the clothes head and hands from the original figure would be swapped out for a sitting pose.

Just a thought
If we are having so much difficulty getting our figures to fit in our cars and elsewhere, I would love to see a third party company tackle modular nude figures for specific poses like sitting where the clothes head and hands from the original figure would be swapped out for a sitting pose.

Just a thought

Well, it's an interesting wrinkle with some potential depending on how the prospective body type could be disassembled.

I suppose the first question though would be what would stop someone from taking an inexpensive body type ( say a Generation 2 or 3 era 1/6th figure, say circa 2004-2007, something like that) and just cut it up/cut it down to what was needed?

I.E. in a sitting pose, or a prone pose, the figure inside the clothes doesn't need to be intact if it's going to rest in one place for a long time. For prone poses, a lot of kitbashers will use a broken body, so they don't have to find a body where the "legs can move like that", they just adjust a fully broken off leg inside the pants to the direction that they want.

I could see something like this working more for 1/18th or 1/12th scale to be honest compared to 1/6th scale or larger. R&D on a new body type is prohibitively expensive. What might be interesting, a hypothetical, is a wire body type, that's just basically a wire stickman, but with a chest top attachment with a neck and neck port assembly. And then some add on caps to take in hand pegs. That way, once clothes are on, you can literally hide everything else.

Increasing the points of articulation on a traditional stock 1/6th nude figure increases the number of potential failure points on it.

Your proposal has some out of the box thinking in it, which I think is great. Appreciate the post and thread topic for sure.
What might be interesting, a hypothetical, is a wire body type, that's just basically a wire stickman, but with a chest top attachment with a neck and neck port assembly. And then some add on caps to take in hand pegs. That way, once clothes are on, you can literally hide everything else.
Awesome idea!

For example the BTTF Delorean is too short to fit any 1/6 figure, but if you were able to manipulate the wire cage for ribs & shoulders, one could theoretically futz out some great proportions, then close the door and hide no legs :)
And how would you dress the figure? That’s not going to be easy or potentially possible without an articulated body.
Kidslogic did that with robotech 1/6 veritech. i thi k it was a fully dressed in sitting form.

maybe the arms can be dislocated and reattached.