OP, with one single post your ignorance has become legendary in the annals of this Forum.
I will just say that..World War Hulk is the only Hulk that matters.He's the united rage of Hulk and Bruce Banner combined,He's the entity who in the spawn of a single comic event destroyed all the marvel universe heroes,he's the Father of Skaar,killer of Killers and of Hiro-kala,the All-Powerful.
World War Hulk is also the 2nd part of what is called the "Pak Trilogy","Planet Hulk" being the 1st and "Son of Hulk" being the 3rd act.In Planet Hulk, the Jade Giant become a King and penetrate the Vag of an almighty female alien Bad Ass with his giant,gamma-powered phal lus.
This is the things you need to know.
But the most important thing you need to remember, OP is that World War Hulk was the first Hulk incarnation to unleashed The Worldbreaker,the most powerful Hulk incarnation that ever lived, whose power can destroy a whole dimension.
Now OP,bow down to the Green Scar, the Breaker of Worlds,who is big in the pants as opposed to you.And dont make threads like that ever again.