Whats Sideshows 1/6 vader worth?

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Super Freak
Feb 4, 2010
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Just selling a few pieces ..kinda want to make my collection strictly hot toys ..apart from the mgs3 medicom figures of course.
Thinking of selling the sith lord.
Its removed from box but in perfect condition ..its the regular not the exclusive.
I ask because i seen a regular sealed one that was $240ish on ebay .. didn't think they would go 4 that price.. what do ye all think?
That price is way too high. I see them sell at an average of 130.00 to 150.00
Last week I saw a brand new, exclusive Vader go for £67 on ebay - also an Irish seller. Guess everyone's waiting for the ESB/ ROTJ/ ROTS versions.
I think the figure isn't worth much... Only about $50 or so I should think... But I'd be willing to pay $70... :monkey3
The exclusive is going higher than retail from what I saw on completed listings not too long ago.
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Yep, exclusive is doing a quite a bit better than retail ($175-$200) and regular is pretty much holding its value.

$240 is just wishful thinking from the eBay seller... hoping to snag a dumb buyer.
yeah the only other things I regret from my Star Wars purge were Darth Maul and Asajj (but only because she was an awesome repaint by DA :monkey2)
Maul usually seems to be affordable... part of the failed inclusive plan :lol

Still makes me laugh that after he sold out someone panicked and bought him on eBay for $300 :rolleyes:
I just find it so disturbing that everything that we buy Star Wars related just goes down so much in price. I have a the Exclusive versions of Mace, Kit and Plo that I really want to sell,but I know that I'll make peanuts off of them. I've actually bought EXCLUSIVE versions of Emperor /Palps for $60 shipped and once Jedi Luke for $23 , in 2007 no less! This stuff holds no value. Don't get me wrong, I buy to collect, not to flip but on rare occasion when you tire of a figure , or want to sell to pick up something else , you wind up taking a bath!

It is disheartening though, when I drop close to $100 for a figure and then have it become available for less than half down the road. For example Clone-Obi, I paid close to $100 after shipping from Sideshow and not too long later gohastings.com has him on sale for $21:gah: I know I've made out at times, but the real question is , is it better to wait and buy cheaper later??

I just can't seem to see why the value drops so?
I just can't seem to see why the value drops so?

There is just too much Star Wars product out there to be had on the market. I mean everything from action figures to toothpaste to lightswitch plates. There is an overabundance of Star Wars product out there that hardcore Star Wars collectors simply can't afford to keep up. It doesn't help that apart from the Clone Wars animated series, there really isn't anything out there pushing this product.

These Sideshow products are made for a niche market of certain collectors. Not everybody that collects Star Wars had ever heard of Sideshow. I remember a couple years back I had completed my collectibles room and a buddy of mine (who is a rabid Star Wars fan) came by to check things out expecting to see the usual Star Wars figures in MOC packaging on the wall. He was amazed to see anything but action figures. From Sideshow 1:1 busts and premium formats to Master Replicas lightsabers and prop replicas, he was amazed and had no idea that kind of product existed.
much like the guy said, its around $130 to $150. I was hunting down this bad boy a couple of months ago so I was monitering ebay to get an idea of how much to pay. I bought one for $140 with $10 shipping.
Wow nice deal. :clap

Thanks pix! He arrived yesterday and he was PERFECT.

I just can't believe 3 people saw this before me and did not bid!
