i only have hulk but he's incredible(pun intended)....and the only other one i want(since they cost so much) is Doom.
i would vote hulk though because the FB paint app. is a drastic improvement from the green paint app. of that statue...imho....plus it is my favorite. please add Hulk to the survey.
need that doom though so if anyone ordered one through SS before you cancel it let me know...but it doesn't come out till 4th quarter so there's time to think about it.
I think it's going to come down to a character choice, or a sculpt choice. I don't think one looks any better than the others, as far as the faux bronze 'technique' goes.
Where's the option: "they all suck". He's only cashing in on the collector mentality, and depreciating the originals. Remember the 90's with all the alternate covers, especially Image Comics, same s#!t, different pile.