Who's Marvel's most hated

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Who's Marvel's most hated?

  • Brian Michael Bendis

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • Joe Quesada

    Votes: 27 73.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 18.9%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
WNY, New Jersey
Every thread I read I see 2 names repeatedly getting thrashed, Brian Michael Bendis and Joe Quesada. I personally want to know you hate more and why? I don't hate neither but can see why some have issues with both.


Bendis seems to be an awesome writer.

Quesada seems to want to censor comics.

My vote is for Q.
Bendis is an awesome writer who suffers now from the same fates that Mark Millar, Jeph Loeb and Mark Waid suffered where people are acting as if he walks on water. So in turn he is getting carried away with it and literally doing whatever the hell he wants. Q on the other hand seems to be out to just ^^^^ up Marvel left and right. My vote is definitely for Joe.

I'm interested to know who they are selecting as other...
I think Quesada and Bendis have done A LOT more good for Marvel than bad. Marvel is easily the #1 comic publisher in the world and they are not afraid to actually change things up with their characters (unlike DC).

Sure, I'm not to happy about Quesada's Brand New Day crap with Spidey but I think a lot of people overlook all the positives they have done for the company.

I'm glad they're there and I'm happy Quesada is in charge.
Screw that I hate Spiderman comics for this 'Brand New Day' crap...For this reason I quit Marvel.
I think Quesada and Bendis have done A LOT more good for Marvel than bad.
I can give credit to Quesada for turning Marvel around after the crap comics of the late 90's by flooding the market with Marvel products, TPBs, and he did help create MAX and Ultimates. I also like that he tried to stop the whole 'die, return from the dead' crap. But as a writer, he sucks and his Brand New Day SM was ridiculous and probably the worst retcon in Marvel history. The guys at the LCS rag on him alot.

Bendis is a much more interesting writer. His writing on Avengers, Daredevil, and House of M are all great reads. I think he also was the primary writer for Ultimates, but not 100% sure. Secret Invasion sucked, but overall I would credit his writing as adding to Marvel's success.

Quesada takes the prize as most hated...
I can give credit to Quesada for turning Marvel around after the crap comics of the late 90's by flooding the market with Marvel products, TPBs, and he did help create MAX and Ultimates. I also like that he tried to stop the whole 'die, return from the dead' crap. But as a writer, he sucks and his Brand New Day SM was ridiculous and probably the worst retcon in Marvel history. The guys at the LCS rag on him alot.

Bendis is a much more interesting writer. His writing on Avengers, Daredevil, and House of M are all great reads. I think he also was the primary writer for Ultimates, but not 100% sure. Secret Invasion sucked, but overall I would credit his writing as adding to Marvel's success.

Quesada takes the prize as most hated...

Totally agree with everything said here, but House of M isn't that great of a read, it was in the beginnng but it ended Flat.

If I had to pick one it would be Q as well.
Quesada gets my vote.

He's horrible and the sooner Marvel gets rid of him the better. I wish Marvel would hire Jim Shooter to replace him. Someone who actually cares about Marvels characters and not just trying to make a buck.

The sad thing is that Quesada was and still is a great artist. I just wish he'd go back to just drawing comics and stop f'n up the Marvel Universe.

Bendis was at one point a great writer but I feel that he's gotten lazy in the last few years.

Jeff Loeb is just plain awful. His stories make no sense and it seems that he never does any research into the characters he's writing about. I like his Batman stuff but his Marvel work is garbage. His stories are seriously lacking any kind of editing. Where in the world are the Editor-In-Chiefs at when he submits his work????
Joe Q. Becuase of One more Day. Peter parker was evolving, and becoming a great, DEEP character. the stingers were neet, and so were the organic webhooters. The unmasking was A Bold move, and taking it away chepens the character. I would love to have seen where the JJJ and peter/spiderman relationship would have gone in a few years.

Now peter Parker is allmost 30, and lives in his elderly aunts home... still. From hero to Super-mooch.

Undoing 8 years of character development is not clever, it's retarded.
I'm a big Bendis fan; the man is an extremely good writer in terms of both action and dialogue; Even though he's made some questionable decisions with some story lines, I'm still a big fan.

JQ... well, he has done a lot of good, as was already said, particularly after the ludicrousness tossed around the market in the 90s. The only HUGE thing that gets me is BND; completely unnecessary treatment of a core character that just served to obfuscate and piss off the fan base.