Why the lack of female figures?

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Just a little freaky
Aug 3, 2015
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As a lifelong fan of horror the women in the films have always been as important to me as the villains (and some of them are the bad guys). So where are all the female 1/6 scale figures? I'd guess manufacturers think they wouldn't sell and maybe they are right, but even customs are lacking. I know lots of guys are eager for Ripley, but aside from her pending arrival we just have some Elvira statues and Alice from Resident Evil. I'm considering trying my hand at making Angela from Night of the Demons and Nina from Black Swan if I settle on suitable bodies for them. Who would you all like to see figures of? My wish list:

Nancy from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Alice from Friday the 13th
Skinless Julia from Hellraiser II
Well there aren't that many. Skinless Julia, Pamela Voorhees ( already a sideshow version) and maybe a few others. Many females in horror are protaganist or victims. There's plenty of male protaganists in horror also and nobody cares much for them. 1/6 are expensive, customs even more so. Most people who have the money would rather a different horror character then say a Nancy from a Nightmare on elm street.

Skinless Julia is a good one, but without pinhead there's little point. There's a few female cenobites that could be made, but you need a 1/6 Pinhead and only creations unearthed has made one that I know about.
A MAMA statue done right would be Awesome :) There's also the girl from the Grudge and the Ring.
Well, Even Black Widow doesn't sell as much as Iron Man.......and she is the HERO of the story (instead of the victim)

it is weird because statues of female characters are made and they sell well, but 12 inch figures for some reason are not as well sold. Look at what happened with the pirates of the Caribbean figure of that female character.
they even cancelled the Prometheus figure of that female character as well. for some reason the market is just not there.

and those are big characters, i doubt less known horror characters would sell well either.

I don't think companies are sexist, the market is just not really there yet.

Angela from Night of the Demons and Nina from Black Swan, who would buy these? if they made 5000, who would buy these lol
Angela from Night of the Demons and Nina from Black Swan, who would buy these? if they made 5000, who would buy these lol

Well I don't think many would, which is why I'm making those for myself--but even the customs of other more popular characters aren't out there. Warriors Gate has a few, including a really nice Pfeiffer as Catwoman, but I know a lot of my horror loving friends are into collecting toys and it seems like a missed opportunity. Mrs. Voorhees figures have sold well. Do they think men would feel too much like they are playing with dolls? We are already adults collecting expensive action figures. I've seen some cool statues of Sil from Species and I don't think that movie has enough of a fan base to warrant the collectibles it has gotten.
There's probably a number of reasons; primary amongst them the fact that a female 1/6 figure too closely resembles a mere 'doll'. As we all know, a lot of 1/6 collectors will do anything to refute that tag, preferring instead to label their figs as 'high end collectables', 'collectable figures' and 'miniature shrunken man in specially tailored togger' etc.

Another reason has got to be that a lot of stand out female characters don't have an interesting or distinctive look. Think Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct; besides being bat s**t crazy, what element of these characters would make them stand out on the shelf? How many don a signature mask along the lines of Myers, Jason or Leatherface, for example? How many possess a gimmick weapon of choice like a chainsaw or razor clawed glove?

Yeah, there's female statues aplenty, but part of their appeal (I guess) is an admiration of the female form. Look at those statues of Mary Jane Watson for example. Just a normal woman, dressed in normal clothing, but with idealised ****s and bum abound.

Anyway, female characters in horror that might make a decent figure:

Boys don't buy action figures of girls.

I have over 200 figures and I think only 12 of them are chicks.
I'd buy those mentioned above. I'd also like some of Jason's hot victims. I've been thinking about Samantha Lane (Part IV victim) ever since I saw her in person at a con last year.
Amy from Fright Night and Carrie are two others I'm considering. I'll have to play around with digital sculpting and see what I can come up with.
Right? I've been wanting a Nancy Thompson figure for years. I actually really wish NECA would do one even more than I would want a 1/6 scale.
I'd buy a figure of Nancy as well but Linnea Quigley as Trash from Return of the Living Dead would be a grail for me
You know who else? Laurie Friggin' Strode.

Seriously, how in the hell has there never been anything of her?