Super Freak
I know itz not like one of thoze awezome zideshow collectiblez, but it'z a custom regardlezz !!!
Zo I went to BK for lunch during the week and I cuztomized one of the toyz they gave me in the happy meal!!
It'z ztill a work in progrezz!! Next step I'm gonna do iz cut off a piece of hiz head and add on a brain i'm gonna do with Zculpty and then gonna weather him up and add zome blood!!
Zombiez rule!
Check it out:
Zo I went to BK for lunch during the week and I cuztomized one of the toyz they gave me in the happy meal!!
It'z ztill a work in progrezz!! Next step I'm gonna do iz cut off a piece of hiz head and add on a brain i'm gonna do with Zculpty and then gonna weather him up and add zome blood!!
Zombiez rule!
Check it out: