I was inspired by that picture of Jackman below and did this Wolverine sculpt. Do you guys think I need to add more hair like in the picture I Photo shopped?
I think you should mod it to look like your photoshopped version, its a lot better, the sculpt has a lot of potential though! The profile seems a little off though.
thats awesome.
Like some people have said he needs more hair and to be honest I personally would say more hair than the photoshopped version too.
Amazing work either way.
looks great, just add a bit more hair than what is in your photoshopped figure.
also, the nose is a bit too fat. just slightly sand/dremel it...barely..it doesn't need much, but just slightly needs to be thinner.
Wow man... You just keep surprising me man. It really looks fantastic, the facial character is amazing. With just a tad bit more hair, it will be the best Jackman Wolverine I have ever seen.
You are amazing, As soon as i get all excited about your Bond head you come out with your Milla head and now you have an amazing Wolverine Jackman head! Count me in if you make it available, and as perfect as i think it looks I think more hair would bring the Wolverine likeness more out. I hope you make it available
Looks GREAT!! The nostrils could be a bit more symetrical. Easy fix; just build the right one up to match the left. You really captured Jackman there. And what I like most, you didn't only capture the actor you captured the character; all surly and bad-ass. I think a lot of sculptors often shoot for the actor and miss the character. But you never seem to slip on that.
EXcellent! Yes more hair please, even more than the photoshop i think, and the nose needs to be slimmer, and the eyes and eyebrows need to be a little closer