Thanks man. I've been tweaking it quite a bit. Before I had just removed the plug all together, but I wanted that secure connection that the ball and socket offers. So after I removed the plug from within the head, I sanded down the top (that pushes up against the head) so it can sit deeper in said head. This meant that I had to sand down the ball joint on the neck, so it too could sit deeper along with the plug. So the flat part of the ball, is flush against the top of the socket. Then I removed a small amount of silicone from the top of the neck so it wouldn't push the back head up. Between all of this, I was able to remove the giraffe neck look while still keeping the ball/socket function of the joint. The plug is still removable, so I can always add some material to get the height back if I want it later. Though I doubt I will.
Hopefully this is helpful to those who want to do the same. It's a pretty easy mod, just need sandpaper (or a dremel) and an exacto knife.
Here's the modded neck and modded socket from within the head.
View attachment 626860
Here's the end result. (I also weathered the 84 tiara and armband to work with the JL armor, since the new tiara is much more accurately sized/shaped)