Would you buy an AOTC Obi from Sunohc?

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Would you buy an AOTC Obi from Sunohc?

  • Yes - an upgrade to the existing sculpt will do nicely.

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Yes - But I'd want an all new sculpt

    Votes: 14 41.2%
  • No - I'll just wait for the SSC version

    Votes: 15 44.1%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester, U.K.
In response to my other thread I figured that I'd start a poll to guage interest and hopefully, if there is enough of us to make it work Daniel's while he would add the Mullet/Beard Combo and re-cast.

I'm up for one.

What about you?
I have doubts about how good a modification to the existing sculpt would be, but it could work.

I know that Sunohc could do an incredible job on a new sculpt for AOTC Obi, and I'd be first in line to buy that.

In fact, I offiicially request that Sunohc put me on the list for one when/if it's created.
I would! And I stick it right on a Medi Clone body so I could have a Clone Wars version like in Pickard's sig!!!:chew
I would love one, but I think it needs a new sculpt. Dan did such an amazing job on the TPM version, really capturing the innocent/naive look of Obi Wan from that era. AOTC is more confident but not as somber as ROTS.
He does awesome work, But I would like him to do character that aren't going to get made by anyone (Jim Kelly).
Luv the sculpts only problem for me is getting bodies & cloths - too much hassle for me so I'll wait till SSC do there's - though an armoured Kenobi would be awesome - c'mon Sideshow what you waiting for :monkey1
I'm tired of waiting for SSC. I'm actually tempted to buy myself a cheap sewing maching and trying to make costumes.
Don't get me wrong, I'd buy a SSC version in a heartbeat but Dan's sculpts are fabulous and I think SSC would be hard pressed to surpass them. I would put them side by side without a second thought.
No. Not because I don't think Sunohc isn't awesome (because obviously he is) but because AOTC Obi-Wan is not something I ever want. Its my least favorite version of Obi-Wan from my least favorite star wars movie.
I'm not a fan of the mullet. Unless it is from these guys:




pixletwin said:
Come on now. :( My favorite figure is my Ghost Anakin and he has a mullet. :monkey3

Well, that is true, he did have a little bit of a mullet, but his hair was long all around, not just the back.
Anzik Hayes said:
Or maybe youre just afraid to make fun of ROTS Anakin because Dusty will kick your butt!

:rotfl :rotfl Because god knows RoTS Anakin won't do it. He'll just complain and whine us to death.
Anzik Hayes said:
Or maybe youre just afraid to make fun of ROTS Anakin because Dusty will kick your butt!

Well yeah. But I won't ever let Dusty know that her Anakin boy-toy is actually BuffyCollector. Shhhhhhhhhh ;)
I voted for a new sculpt...but I would hope it would take a while as I have not yet recieved the EI sculpt yet and I expect to have a monster of a time getting it painted and I don't want them to get backed up too much.
pixletwin said:
Well yeah. But I won't ever let Dusty know that her Anakin boy-toy is actually BuffyCollector. Shhhhhhhhhh ;)

AHHH, so THATS why BuffyCollectors loves Paris Hilton. It's all coming together now....
I imagine that interest in an AOTC Obi-Wan sculpt will double when Medis Jango Fett comes out. That'd be a cool setup!!!