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X3 didn't halt the series and they didn't care about the mixed reviews. What they did (Rothman) was go the cheap route (which Lauren Donner was against) and greenlit less expensive movies to save money. The first being Origins - which Rothman even publicly called "the studio's answer to X4" which was a nonsensical POV and the film ended up being awful anyway since he neutered Benioff's script and hired Hood to direct a kids movie starring Wolverine and Sabretooth. The second film was to be Josh Schwartz's 80s set YOUNG X-MEN which Origins sets up in the end. That film, along with Goyer's MAGNETO movie were scrapped and combined into FIRST CLASS after Singer and Donner, inspired by Abrams' Star Trek, figured out how to reboot the franchise without rebooting it.

So yeah, Rothman hit the breaks on a direct sequel to X3 to save money, not over mixed reviews.

The current FOX regime loves Singer and won't give me him any trouble over Apocalypse. They just won't let another X-Men: Apocalypse see the light of day.
