Your five most desired SW PF's

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Eden Prairie, MN
Seems like SS releases about 4 SW PF's a year or so. Let's round it off to five and see which five you'd like announced next.

Mine would be:

1. Bespin Duel Luke (yes I know this would be Luke #3 and ESB Luke #2 but he's my Holy Grail figure, deal with it. ;))
2. ROTS Anakin
3. R2/3PO two-pack
4. Geonosis Padme
5. TPM Obi-Wan
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1. Chewie
2. ROTJ Emperor
3. 3PO and R2 as one piece
4. Stormtrooper
5. Yoda ( Empire stand alone piece )
1. Shaak Ti (the coolest looking Jedi ever)

2. R2 and C3PO ( I imagine they'd do these two together)

3. Real fur Chewbacca

4. ROTJ Emperor

5. Stormtrooper

do I have to stop at 5?
Darth Maul...........
Count Dooku............
Long Shot........Grievous Bodyguards.......(Maybe Attakus Will do These)
Grievous' bodyguards would definitely be cool. I like that with PF there's no restriction on making something that doesn't conform to a presculpted humanoid body.

DL you could definitely state more than five but I figured I'd limit our preferences to those which would be coming out within a year or so. It can be disheartening to compose a wish list for something you won't see for 2-3 years... :)
Must haves:

C3PO and R2 (ep4)
Chewbacca (ep4)
Lando (ep5)
Emperor (ep6)

My guess is we will see them all.

I would really like a Snowtrooper but doubt it will happen.
Gruson said:
Must haves:

C3PO and R2 (ep4)
Chewbacca (ep4)
Lando (ep5)
Emperor (ep6)

My guess is we will see them all.

I would really like a Snowtrooper but doubt it will happen.

Snowtrooper seems more likely for the 12" line. I doubt we'd get more than a normal Stormie and some sort of Clone Trooper in PF.
My top five are:

1. Darth Maul
2. Count Dooku
3. ROTS Anakin (Sith Eyes)
4. Jango Fett
5. Okay so I project myself only having room for four more. The irnoic thing is that if these were the next five I'd be in deep poodoo and wouldn't be able to get them all. The hard thing will be resisting the ones that come out between these that I don't intend to buy, a few hard passes off the top of my head will be Palpatine, Stormtrooper, and Episode I Queen Amidala, and honestly probably everything else.
How about any 5 free ones? The PF are too rich for my blood, plus I like the poseablity and larger character selections of the 12" line. But, if I had to choose:

1 Darth Vader (ESB or RotJ)
2 Boba Fett (ESB or RotJ, or the current one)
3 RotJ Emperor with Lightning
4 Darth Maul
5 Jango Fett (with severed Mace Windu head :D )
Gruson said:
I would really like a Snowtrooper but doubt it will happen.
I hope they release the main trooper of each OT movie: Storm, Snow, and Biker Scout. Loved those Biker Scouts as a kid.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with the basic ROTS trooper. The differences between most of the uniforms are just in the paint apps.

Gruson are you just getting one version of each character? I noticed Lando on your list but no ESB versions of anyone else.
1.Chewy (only if it has real fur)
2. R2 (if it has to include the winey gold thing ok:lol )
3. Stormtrooper (Lukes or Hans head would be a cool exclusive but that would screw the size)
4.Yoda (Empire or Jedi)
5. Emperor (disfigured)

Missas wildcard is Jar Jar Binks:rotfl

Just kiding but I had to do it.
Lando overal Maul or even some of the cooler looking clones? Man, I know you love the OT and pretty much don't care for the PT but Lando over some others. Dang! :lol Just ribbing ya G!

1. Maul
2. Clones (501st, Shocktroopers, Cody, Gree, Bly, etc.)
3. 3P0 & R2
4. Stormies & Sandtroopers
5. Sidious or Dooku
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If I could afford a 5 PFs:

1. ROTJ Palpatine with arms outstretched ready to fry Luke
2. ROTS Anakin (posed similar to the Unleashed)
3. ROTJ Vader resting on the hand rail after destroying Palpatine
4. Tion Meddon just because he looks so cool.
5. Funeral Padme.