S.H. Figuarts Star Wars

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I hope figuarts stays away from Mr. Needless Fan Service.

Figuarts has been staying away from fan service and customer service with their measly amount of SW preorders. All this downtime and we get another Vader and Stormtrooper. What are they going to do with the time after Rise of Skywalker?
No idea, but it indicates a July release for both.

....wtf did I write July? I meant December. Five me a break it's late at night here.
Luke will look better when we get the solicit that’s a crappy pic the light flooded out all the details. It looks like he comes with an alternate robe piece for fighting stance. Pretty sure it will look as great as the display piece they’ve had at past shows.


Wow Old Man Solo is finally going to see the light of day. Excited for everyone that wants Crait Luke too. I might skip on Crait Luke since I prefer the previous TLJ luke figure more.
Solo looks great, Luke looks ok, but about what I expect for seeing the prototypes. But either way really glad they're releasing them both and as regular releases. I was getting worried that anyone with a face was going to be a web exclusive now.
I'll get these, but I'm at the point of thinking about what else I want for 1/12 SW figures. There's really few I would name that I really want at this point. I'm really a movie only person, so Clone Wars or Rebels characters don't do anything for me.
I'll get these, but I'm at the point of thinking about what else I want for 1/12 SW figures. There's really few I would name that I really want at this point. I'm really a movie only person, so Clone Wars or Rebels characters don't do anything for me.

Empire Strikes Back & The Mandalorian could fill up years of great designs
Empire Strikes Back & The Mandalorian could fill up years of great designs

Yeah I forgot how left out some ESB stuff is, it could just be fatigue but I have a lot in Black Series already. I'd like the upgrade but knowing like zero of them have even been shown by SHF that I can remember, I'm not holding my breath for ESB figures from them.

I'm sure I'll like The Mandalorian, but I really doubt SHF will produce a single figure from it.
Empire figures are definitely coming. The Mandalorian Figuarts will happen they love armored figures and the show will be huge.




My prediction is ROS for force friday, maybe mandolorians but I think thats why theyre putting boba out. Then the ESB line will solicit for Jan - June and be mostly webshop items

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