Sideshow: The Clint Eastwood Legacy Collection (1:6 figures)

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Super excited by this! Is there a typical timeframe between such an announcement and preorders going up?
You get human figures by the company that is half ass decent at making aliens and robots and such but garbage at making human figures and now the company who can make nice human figures is busy making aliens and robots and superheros and such.

It’s nice and sure I’ll get a few nice accessories out of it and the figures are so well deserved but they were deserved 10 years ago. Casual fans will buy it but there are enough customs and copies of customs out there in the general market that sideshow is inevitable to fall short of.

Now if it was blitzway case in point with Hannibal or fight chance and I knew they had half a chance to top the custom market it would be a different story.

Too little too late. We will see what comes of this though I don’t want companies to stop pursuing these licenses I just don?t want THIS company to do it.
Aside from the sculpt, the paint apps are crucial. If bad, it can bring down even a great sculpt.

This is my main issue with SS these days. As long as they have been in the game, they still give us subpar human paint apps. Even on the meh sculpts that SS has given us in the past, once repainted with proper top tier paint apps, they become so much better. Hot Toys doesn't always nail a likeness, but 9/10 times their paint apps are still stellar.
I would be satisfied with great clothing and accessories and a good head even if needing a repaint. I sold my custom Dirty Harry and Blondie and don?t want to pay the going rates to reacquire, nor buy recast versions so I?m going to put good vibes out there and remain cautiously optimistic Sideshow will pull it together so I don?t hate myself for supporting this line.
Sideshow has given me every reason to be deeply skeptical, if not downright committed to the idea that whatever they release will be of sub par quality.
The reality is, however, that once you accumulate enough Hot Toys figures, a good sculpt, is a good sculpt, is a good sculpt.
A great sculpt on a boring figure is just a boring figure with a great sculpt.
Just speaking for myself, there is not a single figure that Hot Toys is releasing between now and the end of 2022 that I am even remotely considering ordering.
I might, however, grab some Eastwood figures and a Dude.
That possibility is far greater than the impossibility that I will buy another yawn inducing DC, Star Wars, or Marvel figure from Hot Toys.
I'm skeptical with any real human figures from Sideshow or Blitzway for that matter. I'm happy enough with the SS Jack Burton, partly due to my love for the character, but the sculpt is decent, with the paint a little lacking. I personally did not like the Blitzway Ghostbusters, or the recent Bill & Ted... to me they are Sideshow level paint/sculpt.
I'm honestly just hoping Sideshow has found a new factory to handle production. I was hoping that they were able to take over whatever factory QMX was using... but (based on recent figures) maybe ThreeZero contracted them?
I wouldn't be as harsh on Sideshow's figures if they charged appropriately. $150 and they would seem a lot more reasonable. It's a joke that they charge $260, well over some Hot Toys prices, for flawed figures that often have many QC problems.
I'm skeptical with any real human figures from Sideshow or Blitzway for that matter. I'm happy enough with the SS Jack Burton, partly due to my love for the character, but the sculpt is decent, with the paint a little lacking. I personally did not like the Blitzway Ghostbusters, or the recent Bill & Ted... to me they are Sideshow level paint/sculpt.
I'm honestly just hoping Sideshow has found a new factory to handle production. I was hoping that they were able to take over whatever factory QMX was using... but (based on recent figures) maybe ThreeZero contracted them?

I agree with most of this, but the notion that KA Kim who is one of the best sculptors in the collectibles industry is sculpting at Sideshow Collectibles levels with the Ghostbusters is WAY off the mark. Those figures were not perfect but do you own them? Just curious as to how your opinion (which you?re entitled to) could be so off base.
Sideshow has given me every reason to be deeply skeptical, if not downright committed to the idea that whatever they release will be of sub par quality.
The reality is, however, that once you accumulate enough Hot Toys figures, a good sculpt, is a good sculpt, is a good sculpt.
A great sculpt on a boring figure is just a boring figure with a great sculpt.
Just speaking for myself, there is not a single figure that Hot Toys is releasing between now and the end of 2022 that I am even remotely considering ordering.
I might, however, grab some Eastwood figures and a Dude.
That possibility is far greater than the impossibility that I will buy another yawn inducing DC, Star Wars, or Marvel figure from Hot Toys.
I definitely agree with you there! I have no Hot Toys Pre-Orders nor have I had any in the past year and I don't see that changing. At least with this announcement and the Dude, I'm a little excited. I don't even collect Horror figures and I thought that was pretty exciting to see more of from SS than just about anything HT has revealed.
I wouldn't be as harsh on Sideshow's figures if they charged appropriately. $150 and they would seem a lot more reasonable. It's a joke that they charge $260, well over some Hot Toys prices, for flawed figures that often have many QC problems.
Yea, I gotta agree with you here. They charge way too much for their barebones subpar figures. While the headsculpt wasn't great, the only figure that they have recently done that had a lot of value for the price was the Jedi Luke that came with pretty much everything you needed for $230ish. They should be charging no more than $200 for most of their figures.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Have you seen their Ledger Joker they just released?
Or the Mandalorian PFs for that matter.
While many other companies have tended to get better over time, despite a few blips here and there, it's interesting that Sideshow just seems to have stagnated over the past decade or so. I look at so many of their pieces and they look like something circa 2010 or so. It's like they hit a certain level back in the day and just decided it was good enough, so stopped there. :huh
SSC's presence on social media has helped them greatly. There's enough of an audience that they can continue to do business without being particularly competitive on the product side.

Most brands will experience dips as they expand and we're starting to see it with Prime 1. Seems like there's a sweet spot between being big enough to break ground, but small enough that each individual sale still matters.

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