I'm just glad we're finally at a place where "fan-service" isn't such a taboo thing anymore. I never understood everyone who'd complain about that.
I'm a fan. Give me the full-service
Well, you explained that in a way that made sense to me, even tho I am unhappy about the direction the show seemed to go from mid-Season 2 on.
Favreau set my expectations up for something else, right of of the gate
Here?s the thing, we?re starting with new characters. There?s all sorts of conjecture about whether we?re gonna reveal that it was really Boba Fett all along. ?Is it a character that we already know!?? We wanted to start fresh with a whole new set of characters that you?ve never met before. What?s nice about that is that it reminds me of when we were starting [the MCU] with Iron Man. For new fans, these are new characters with new actors and a new world.?
New, new, new. There was just enough familiar to ground me, but it was - different. Gritty. Nobody apparently knew much, or cared, about anything SKYWALKER in this backwater world.
And for a while, it was so. It's not like I didn't expect even Luke to make an appearance; but as an exciting end finale

(and not as a CGI, maybe); or other characters, but season 2 was a definite overload. Meanwhile IMO exploring more of Moff Gideon, say; was neglected; and yeah, I would have welcomed a new Jedi or at least a Chirrut - like character.
As opposed to what felt like commercials for D+ series. Well, anyway, since it's Disney - (and they are not the only company to leap on what they think is an opportunity based on 1 success and start trying to milk it) - maybe I shouldn't be surprised. But throwing so much old in so fast has taken the thrill out of any more of it (for me); because now I am just waiting for it. It's not a cool thing to happen; it's just whenever the appearance of these older characters/or ships/villains etc. happens.
At this point too - the characters that Mandalorian started with, are pretty much gone, as far as his allies. It's practically a meme on that score.
So, like, if a company is making a product you like, and then changes it, nothing you can do, but buy less of it *shrug*.
Overpaid Evilbay prices. But no regrets. Got the HASBRO Razor Crest on order and didn't need corporate pettiness messing up my planned display.