Broke and happy
I’m a white male and I hate Star Wars.

But do you love black Kal-El

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I’m a white male and I hate Star Wars.
Care to explain Pascal then? They could easily do the show without him too. This IS cancel culture. This IS agenda driven. If you don't think Disney has noticed the backlash go check anything they post on YouTube related to Star Wars, it gets down voted and commented into oblivion.
Attention-seeking/narcissism is at the root of all these issues.
I don't support cancelling her opinion, but she breached the terms of her contract.
Good point.
She should have known better. It?s not a matter of cancel culture, they?re a company that ultimately gets to decide what they feel is worth their while to defend. They obviously decided that the benefit of her acting skills was not worth the detriment of having to defend her every week, so they did the math and moved on.
10000 of her fans can cancel Disney Plus, they release another MCU film and make all that money back on opening weekend.
For anyone thinking that their personal choice of withholding $7.99 per month from Disney is going to make them regret anything I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
I don?t know who likes Star Wars, other than the fact that I can?t find anyone out in the real world who seems to care about it one way or another.
I?ve spent a lot of time at Galaxy?s Edge at Disney World.
For awhile I was taking my kids every weekend.
No one there cares about Star Wars, you can?t even find one person wearing a Star Wars shirt inside other than the employees.
All of the visitors are wearing Marvel t shirts and they are there to see the latest and greatest in theme park technology not out of any love for Star Wars. It?s a little sad actually.
Star Wars is one tiny ornament on Disney?s giant Christmas tree filled with Mickey and Donald, Pixar, a whole bunch of other stuff, and then the most successful movie series of all time which ain?t Star Wars but the actually beloved MCU.
I don?t really know about any of that. I just know that I believe very strongly in capitalism. If a company feels that one employee is a liability to them and the other isn?t they have the freedom to fire that employee.
I don?t even believe cancel culture exists. I think it?s nothing more than capitalism.
If I have a bad experience in one restaurant and a good experience in another, I stop going to the bad restaurant.
Freedom is important. In some totalitarian country I would be forced to keep eating at the bad restaurant even though it makes me unhappy.
It?s not cancel culture it?s capitalism. You want me to eat there don?t give me a bad meal.
Some people don?t want to watch a show starring someone whose best skill is being able to take a punch to the face so they stop watching it.
I don?t watch The Manadalorian so I don?t really know, but from what I?ve heard that lady isn?t exactly Cate Blanchett or Meryl Streep.
Disney makes a financial decision that the people who don?t like her make more money for them than the people who do so they fire her.
Sounds like business. Sounds like capitalism. What?s not to love about capitalism?
Disney is the most successful entertainment company in history, they must have some clue about what they?re doing.
I personally don?t agree with a single decision that they have made about Star Wars, but as I keep saying, Star Wars is not their money maker.
I personally don?t agree with a single decision that they have made about Star Wars, but as I keep saying, Star Wars is not their money maker.
So did Pedro. Maybe she didn?t believe in being silenced when all her co-stars and other Disney employees were free to post ridiculous claims and racist crap. She made a stand and showed the double standard at that company.
It was 100% cancel culture and nothing more. It is actually hilarious you think people cancelling Disney plus will have no impact but keeping Gina on would.
I highly highly highly doubt that.
Really? Tiny? The second largest film franchise in total gross and you want to sit here and call it tiny?
Star Wars movies have a higher average gross than Marvel movies too. It is The Mandalorian that is dominating pop culture right now. Not WandaVision.
There is so much wrong with this post I don?t even know where to begin.
If we're talking about their entertainment IP's, the facts and numbers would suggest differently. Disney had already spent $4 billion to acquire Marvel in 2009, and the MCU proved to be incredibly lucrative in the first few years after that purchase. Yet Disney still decided to spend another $4 billion to get Lucasfilm. And just look at how they used those two respective licenses when it came to promoting key ventures such as theme parks and their streaming service.
An investment of $2 billion was made to build Galaxy's Edge on 14 acres at Disneyland and 14 acres at Disney World. By comparison, the upcoming "Avengers Campus" at Disneyland will be 3.5 acres; and if you factor in the GOTG attraction and the announced MCU-themed eventual updates, it'll still be less than 10 acres.
When Disney launched their streaming service (a very important part of their future plans), what brand did they use to launch it with? They could've gone with any of their MCU shows, but instead chose Star Wars to attract as many new subscribers as possible. And it worked. As of the week ending Feb. 20, The Mandalorian was still generating more interest than WandaVision despite the fact that Mando *ended in December* while WandaVision is still airing new weekly episodes.
I don't know what metric you're using to judge that Star Wars is some sort of lightweight money maker, but if you look at which brands Disney is investing most heavily in, I think it'd be pretty silly to say that SW isn't a key license when it comes to generating current and future revenue.
They're banking quite a bit on SW fans. And if you think that Gina Carano being the #1 trending celebrity is something that happens by way of just some insignificant amount of those fans, then I don't know what to tell you.
But do you love black Kal-El
Well if Disney goes out of business because they fired your favorite Karate Fighter (I personally have no opinion of her one way or the other) then I will come back on here and say you were right. If they stay in business and continue to significantly dominate EVERY other entertainment company in existence, then I guess we?ll have to agree that I was right.
Nobody is saying they will go out of business. You said Star Wars was tiny. Not a money maker. And you were proven to be hilariously wrong.
Proven by whom? By you? Do you have financial statements from The Walt Disney Company for me to review to hilariously prove me wrong. You clearly and I guess hilariously have no clue about how large companies work and how little influence one MMA lady has on their bottom line.
Disney has a higher net worth than several whole countries but go ahead and cancel your streaming subscription. Bring them to their knees. Who knows, maybe Gina will find out and go to Prom with you.
It will be very touching.
Do you not read the replies or do you just rage about Gina? I'm not talking about Gina. I'm talking about Star Wars. The Star Wars that you said was tiny and not a money maker.
And yet Star Wars is the top streaming series STILL, averages a higher total gross than Marvel movies, helped Hasbro jump up in sales from The Mando merch....
Now you wanna sit here and tell me I don't know if they are a money maker when YOU said they weren't?
Take your L and move on. Star Wars is a very large franchise that makes billions.
You don?t work in business do you? Haven?t studied it either have you?
You probably broke the keyboard you were pounding the keys so hard when you typed this reply.
Watching the result of you bursting a blood vessel while you read my reply and typed yours is the only W I need today. Thanks!
She still might go to prom with you though.
It's hilarious this is your argument. That I can't know anything but you know that Star Wars is not a money maker and is tiny. It is utterly ridiculous. What is it? You have to work at the company to know or that only you know Star Wars is not a money maker and tiny because you said so? Don't tell me... your dad works for Disney so you know?
Again, the only one going on about Gina is you. Your crazy rants on Gina and MMA fans watching Star Wars are very odd. You keep deflecting.
You said Star Wars was tiny. Not a money maker. No one cares about Star Wars.
So, having the top streaming series means nothing? 6th most tweeted TV show of 2020 means nothing? What about it's earned media value? Millions upon millions discussing it. What about the merch sales. You don't have to work for Disney to know that Star Wars is printing money right now.
You have to realize by now everything you said about the franchise is utterly wrong.
Nobody is saying they will go out of business.
As someone with a business degree who has worked at a major mutual fund company and been an active investor for years, I'm pretty comfortable providing an analysis of the revenue and profitability of a company like Disney. If I'm also going to be dismissed as some blood-vessel-popping irrational Gina fan, that's fine - but it'd be nice to instead get a counter based on something other than hyperbolic strawman arguments and insults.
Star Wars has seen an investment of billions of dollars and considerable acreage at theme parks. The investment in the brand is ongoing with billions more to be invested in development of films, shows, and other projects. For anyone to suggest that this level of focus represents an insignificant aspect of Disney's business, or that the revenue generated from SW is insignificant, would be evidence of being oblivious to how the dynamic with investors actually works.
Even just a few pennies per share going one way versus the other can become headline news. And momentum is a huge factor. In the last quarter, Disney reported a revenue of $16.25 billion. This exceeded Wall Street expectations by a substantial margin, and they actually posted a quarterly profit (32 cents per share) when the consensus expectation was for another pandemic-derived quarterly loss.
Disney+ (the shiny new corporate toy) had a lot to do with the surprise in revenue growth. Their streaming revenue was up 73% from the prior year, and already amounted to $3.5 billion. Subscriber growth exceeded forecasts by *millions* of people. I guess anyone is free to marginalize the impact that The Mandalorian had on those results, but I suspect they'd be laughed out of any conversation with people who actually understand the consumer metrics.
So the question here is simply this: How would it look for Disney to report at the end of this current quarter that cancellations slowed subscriber growth enough to fall short of consensus expectations? There's an easy answer to this question: Not good. Disney wouldn't want that to be part of any future shareholder calls, believe me. And again, I'm not saying that's what is going to happen, but I *am* saying that the prospect of it is not something that would be laughed off by corporate.
Exactly. That was the strawman argument I refer to in this post. No one here came even remotely close to saying that Disney would be bankrupted by cancellations.
As for the relevance of SW business, retail sales generate $2-3 billion per year. Movies routinely clear half a billion in profit. And the list goes on and on. There's a good reason why LFL was purchased in the first place, and that reason was (and is) money. Lots of it.
Executive Management in the entertainment industry and still thinks Star Wars is tiny and not a money maker. Wow.
Hopefully it was managing a hot dog cart on set.