Is that really the best you can do? Come on, I know you can do better than that. Hot dog cart! Bwah hah hah I?m in stitches!
It?s all relative smarty. You read what you wanted to read.
No one said that Star Wars didn?t make money, but only the most tunnel visioned dummy with zero ability to see beyond their own experiences would assume that just because their whole world revolves around a particular intellectual property the same holds true for a multi-billion dollar corporation that has a ton of pots on the stove.
It?s actually exhausting discussing this with someone so dense, at least the other guy had a clue, put him back on and go take a nap or something.
Can?t even remember your own words. Can?t even defend the most ridiculous comment I?ve ever read on this forum... ?star wars is tiny.?
Yes yes I?m the dense one. Says the guy using strawman arguments and constantly changing his tune.
I?ll sum up our encounter with a gif of me and you.