Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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Super Freak
Sep 17, 2011
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Zack Snyder says he's turning a failed Star Wars pitch into a sci-fi, samurai movie of its own.

Better late than never, Snyder clarified his plans on a recent appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast as reported by Slash Film. Snyder said he pitched Lucasfilm on a movie set after Return of the Jedi about a new cast of Jedi warriors on a mission, but was turned down.

Lucasfilm may have said no to the project, but Snyder is still developing the movie as its own IP.

"Yeah, [Lucasfilm] talked about it, but it never?I?ve been working on it, just away from the Star Wars universe, just on my own as a sci-fi thing," Snyder said on the podcast. "It?s still a sci-fi thing, it?s the same story, it?s just kind of ? let Star Wars be Star Wars. And the 11-year-old me still wants to make that. Now I just know how to, so maybe we?ll see that someday."

Snyder says he pitched the project after the Star Wars prequel trilogy wrapped up in 2005 but before the Disney buyout in 2012.

"My idea was just: give me the keys and I?ll take her for a spin?it was that sort of middle Star Wars time after they had done the prequels and before the sale," Snyder said. "I was just like, ?You know what? I can fix that.'"

The news didn't reach the press until early 2013. At the time, representatives for Snyder denied the report by saying, "While he is super flattered because he is a huge fan, Zack is not involved in any way with the new Star Wars."

Something tells me this will never happen. Zach is simply going everywhere he can now looking for work, letting everyone know he's available.

Given his track record, I'm not sure how many people will hire him. I mean, sadly, all these streaming companies need product so there's the possibility that this is the best time to have any kind of name value and be available. But then again, no one wants to tarnish their new platform with bad product.
Eh... I'd watch this Samurai in Space Snyder Epic. Guaranteed over the top action and great visuals. If only he'd get a great writer.
Ducky if you don?t think the prequels are begging to be dumped on and in desperate need of being fixed you shouldn?t expect to be taken seriously in any movie discussion.
This would've been awesome. Snyder would have finally brought the Jedi into badass territory. Story might not have landed, but the lightsaber fights would have been something else. Ole Creepy Georgie couldn't let someone like Snyder out shine him like many EU writers and videogame devs have over the years. I always thought KK offered Snyder a SW movie, but I guess that was wrong. You can't say Snyder would do worse since SW can't get much worse in the movie department right now.
I like Snyder's movies, but his Zombie-flick is proof that he's not the best writer IMHO, and I really don't think he's a good fit for Star Wars. At all.
Now, Space Samurais? Fine, I'll watch that.
This would've been awesome. Snyder would have finally brought the Jedi into badass territory. Story might not have landed, but the lightsaber fights would have been something else. Ole Creepy Georgie couldn't let someone like Snyder out shine him like many EU writers and videogame devs have over the years. I always thought KK offered Snyder a SW movie, but I guess that was wrong. You can't say Snyder would do worse since SW can't get much worse in the movie department right now.

The lightsaber fights in the PT, notably Duel of the Fates and Mustafar, are the best from any movie, show, book, comic, or game.
Sounds interesting unless he tries to write it himself.

He seriously needs to give up on his writing ambitions, they will be his downfall.
Lol he looked at the PT and said I can fix that. Just like he looked at the DC universe and said he can fix that and now the whole studio is on fire. Yea great fixing there Snyder. It may not all be your fault but you need chill with thinking you can handle big name properties ever again.
The lightsaber fights in the PT, notably Duel of the Fates and Mustafar, are the best from any movie, show, book, comic, or game.

Duel of the fates I agree with. Maul holding 2 jedi back is awesome and shows his style was powerful. Mustafar had too much twirling and the fight on the lava robots was too hokey. The swinging back and forth reminded me of the old pirate movies and seemed out of place.
Duel of the fates I agree with. Maul holding 2 jedi back is awesome and shows his style was powerful. Mustafar had too much twirling and the fight on the lava robots was too hokey. The swinging back and forth reminded me of the old pirate movies and seemed out of place.

Exactly. Plus, just goes to show that Qui-Gon was stupid. Not only do you want to train a trojan horse to the Jedi, you don't wait for your apprentice to help you in fighting a Sith with a double-bladed lightsaber.

Yep that right there takes me out of the movie with the show off factor of twirly lightsabers. Makes me think of 2 kids on a road trip putting each others hands as close to each others faces with out touching each other to taunt the other one.
Wow an entite second dedicated to throwing your opponent off for their next strike ruins the entire duel for y’all? :lol Sad.
Surprisingly, I have to side with Ducky on this.
It's a bit silly how people fixate on that bit. There's an amazing video of a swordsman analysing that fight, and he is mostly full of praise for it.
Yeah, I'm so accustomed to that gif that it did kind of surprise me the last time I watched ROTS how quickly that moment passed when played in real time. It was like okay over the course of a 20 minute duel for one split second they both parried not realizing that their opponent was going to do the same and then they immediately went back to clashing swords, trying to strangle each other, etc.
I also never got the high ground jump either. The show off twirling and the head scratching leap into Obi-Wan just didn't pass the logic test for me. Anakin was clearly the best swordsman and superior power-wise Jedi to Obi-Wan, I figured there would be a more clever way for Obi-Wan to beat him. Can't just leap to either side of him, no, right at him for a killing blow. "Oh, he was fulled with hate." No, he was clever enough to follow Obi-Wan all the way to that point.