You can wield some Indy customizing magic, Matrix.
Well done, hat looks great. 

It’s definitely a grail for me as well even though I’ve been doing some work on it in my free time. Luckily I didn’t pay anywhere near $2500. I would still be down for a reissue though to get some parts and maybe a new body that doesn’t have paint rubs in the elbow joints. It would also be interesting to see if paint apps would be better, the same or worse. Mythos Obiwan’s paint was downgraded in its reissue.With Sideshow reissuing Freddy & Jason, Hot Toys reissuing Marty McFly I’m actually praying this gets the same treatment. I’ve seen it for £2,500 on eBay. This would be the holy grail for me!
very true. I'm not sure how the Freddy Krueger reissue has come out, but it seems the SW figures that have been reissued over the past couple of years haven't faired too well. Even my R2-D2 reissue got pushed back from now to Dec21-Jan 22 so I wonder if that, too was having trouble at the factory level.Sideshow reissues are notoriously worse than the initial release with rare exception.
The last ROTJ Vader and Bossk are the only two I can think of that are actually better.Sideshow reissues are notoriously worse than the initial release with rare exception.
Now that I have a TOD Indy, I'll probably need one of your holsters when/if you start a run for themI may need to start a run of TOD holsters.... (HT and SS both will jack that up) LOL