Even if Tony didn’t die I’m sure RDJ would still have retired from the role, meaning no more Tony Stark Iron Man anyway.
Its not so much that he wont be in the next film. Its not even so much that they killed him. I am saying that the quality of the film + taking out several characters ruins that film for me. I think I could handle one or the other but not both. Great truly Epic film, go ahead and kill Tony. Average Marvel movie, keep Tony alive.
His sacrifice and death was an important moment in his growth as a character from selfish billionaire to hero.
Jeepers I don't know what people wanted from this poor guy. I mean he put his life on the line time and time again. The first Avengers already showed that.
There’s really no weight to these live action movies if there’s no risk of death to either the main characters or their loved ones, live action is a completely different medium than comic books. Sure you can still have some ridiculous stuff but you really have to ground them to a certain extent imo.
It depends on the type of film, I don't go to see Batman expecting or thinking there is even a chance he will die. Its how will he stop the bad guy. How will he save the day.
If you wanna have stakes in a movie then you don't save it for the last scene in the last movie. Kill Tony and BW, two or three films ago. Instead we have Loki coming back from the dead from Thor 2 and Bucky coming back from TFA. So really the only stakes that marvel is willing to play with is "Will the actor sign the contract". That in and of itself ruins the stakes. We always know who is coming back and who isn't
You also said you’re tired of the MCU formula but you also don’t seem to like when they deviate from said formula, so what can they do? Genuinely curious.
They didn't really deviate from the formula in EG. Its still looks like every Marvel film, its still got the same silly humor, you just had some main actors that did not want to come back.
What I mean by Shang Chi and the Marvel formula is that when you take out a Hero I know and like then I am just watching an action film that is using the Marvel formula and you can then really see it for what it is. I am Marveled out.
Look I was not coming in here and trying to convince anyone that EG is not good or great. I think time might be harder on that film then people realize right now but I could be wrong. I was just saying that the death of Tony puts a cloud over that film that makes a film I am already not crazy about really hard to return to.
Hell I know its better then AOU... But I have watched AOU 4 or 5 times

I just cant bring myself to watch this one because it because I have issues with the story, the final battle, how they did Thanos, killing Tony and of course ******* over Hulk
Right now I keep waiting for Marvel to do something to get me back into it.
I also think the TV shows are killing it for me. I have yet to watch Loki, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight, And I am not sure I will ever watch The Eternals.
Really hoping Dr. Strange gives me something. But this new phase of Marvel is not one I really know. Jane Foster as Thor, Lady Iron Man, Captain and Ms Marvel, Lady Black Panther, Shang Chi, The Eternals.... Never read any of them and they don't appear in the comics I do read.