Need help with paypal/ebay problem

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Super Freak
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Raccoon City
I know this is prob in the wrong section, but this board moves faster and I kinda need the answer soon. I did a BIN on ebay for a DCD Joker figure and sent payment on the 4th. Got a email today saying

Dear ****,

**** (email) has issued you a full or partial refund for
your payment.

Temporary Hold Information: A temporary hold has been placed on funds that were
returned to your account because you used Instant Transfer to fund the original
payment. The funds from this payment cannot be released until they have arrived
from your bank account, which usually takes 3-4 business days.

Message from merchant: hi for some reason its not letting me deposit this, can
you please re send to my other account at ******* Thanks

The guy has 100% feedback so everything seems up and up, but checking my paypal account I dont have that cash placed in there yet. So if I resend him the money to his other account will I still get the original or will that be resent to the first account again?

I just dont wanna end up paying twice ($111 original) and get ripped off.
So it looks like it is transfering from your bank acount untill it is cleared, but that payment was refunded by the seller?

I'd wait till it clears and then send it.
Wait a minute. You paid for it once, and for some reason he can't get to it, so he wants you to pay for it again? BIG WARNING going off...

Yeah, how'd you pay? Some forms of payment take several days to clear, like an e-check, so tell him to just hold tight till it clears. Definately do not pay 2X.
Best solution: CALL PAYPAL! eBay isn't worth a warm turd in the customer service dept. but Paypal is surprisingly helpful and responsive, in my experience. The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, so I would not proceed until you've spoken to Paypal. I get the part where the seller can't access the funds, as it sounds like you used an e-check. Those have to clear. But the part where a partial refund was issued?? Weird. Is the guy too impatient for a check to clear? He wants you pay agian directly via Paypal to get the money faster? Still, whay a PARTIAL refund?? Like I said, confusing. Definately call Paypal and ask them what's up. They open early, like 7:00 am CT, 6:00 ET.

Paypal: (402) 952-8899
So it looks like it is transfering from your bank acount untill it is cleared, but that payment was refunded by the seller?

I'd wait till it clears and then send it.

The way I read it was it got sent to him, but since he couldnt deposit the money into his account he sent it back. Which for some reason or other got put on hold by paypal. Do you mean send it again to the original or to the other account? Other people on another board (wanted as much help as I could) said that it wouldnt be good to do that since it might not be connected to ebay and he could file unpaid dispute with me after getting cash from the other paypal account.

Wait a minute. You paid for it once, and for some reason he can't get to it, so he wants you to pay for it again? BIG WARNING going off...

Yeah, how'd you pay? Some forms of payment take several days to clear, like an e-check, so tell him to just hold tight till it clears. Definately do not pay 2X.

I paid for it once, but then he refunded the money back (just hasnt shown up in my paypal ballance yet. I used Paypal Instant Transfer through ebay.

Call paypal in the am.

What would I say to them though? Really got no idea what I could bring up, this is the first time that its happened.
Sounded like he got a pending eCheck, you can't deposit/transfer those till it clears after a few days. He should have known that, is he a newb? He should have just waited till it cleared and then sent your item.
Sounded like he got a pending eCheck, you can't deposit/transfer those till it clears after a few days. He should have known that, is he a newb? He should have just waited till it cleared and then sent your item.

There shouldn't even be a balance for depositing into the bank account if payment is pending for clearing. I think it might be Paypal's doing.
That is correct, the balance won't show till it's cleared. This just sounds like a mistake made by a newb seller.
Best solution: CALL PAYPAL! eBay isn't worth a warm turd in the customer service dept. but Paypal is surprisingly helpful and responsive, in my experience. The whole thing sounds a bit confusing, so I would not proceed until you've spoken to Paypal. I get the part where the seller can't access the funds, as it sounds like you used an e-check. Those have to clear. But the part where a partial refund was issued?? Weird. Is the guy too impatient for a check to clear? He wants you pay agian directly via Paypal to get the money faster? Still, whay a PARTIAL refund?? Like I said, confusing. Definately call Paypal and ask them what's up. They open early, like 7:00 am CT, 6:00 ET.

Paypal: (402) 952-8899

If Im not mistaken, Im pretty sure that I have changed the echeck status to an instant transfer so I wouldnt have to wait for things to clear. So Im pretty sure its not that. He has over 100+ feedback, but I just now noticed only 1 was as a seller. Also just checked the details on the first mailing and its labeled as an instant trasnfer, not echeck.

here goes a snap of the details page.
It looks legit, but just tell seller to hold tight till you see the money in your bank account (asuming you can check it online). Once returned, try again. He should understand, especially since he was the one to initiate the refund. His fault, not yours, for having a suspended paypal account or whatever he has.

At this point, I'd also make sure to use a CC as method of payment for added protection.
OK, took a look at your account page, here's what happened.

He declined the payment because he did not want to wait for it to clear. He does not have the money. It came back to you. Banks move slower than Paypal, so the transfer won't clear for 3-5 days. Once it clears between your bank and Paypal, the $111.00 balance will show in your Paypal account. At that time, it would safe to resend the payment directly from your paypal account to his, as paypal will have full records of the tranaction for your protection.

I would not send a second payment, though. And if you're still doing a transfer, you'll just be back in the same boat, anyway. He'll just have to be patient. If the funds are not coming DIRECTLY from you paypal account, he's gonna have to wait no matter what.
OK, took a look at your account page, here's what happened.

He declined the payment because he did not want to wait for it to clear. He does not have the money. It came back to you. Banks move slower than Paypal, so the transfer won't clear for 3-5 days. Once it clears between your bank and Paypal, the $111.00 balance will show in your Paypal account. At that time, it would safe to resend the payment directly from your paypal account to his, as paypal will have full records of the tranaction for your protection.

I would not send a second payment, though. And if you're still doing a transfer, you'll just be back in the same boat, anyway. He'll just have to be patient. If the funds are not coming DIRECTLY from you paypal account, he's gonna have to wait no matter what.

So just wait until the money shows up in my paypal balance. So would I send the payment again through the ebay page (PAY NOW) or just do it through the Paypal (send money)? Which account would I go with though? The original on that is connected with ebay, or the second one he mentioned? Also, since the money would already still (when it goes through) be in my account, wouldnt I be able to just pay with that and avoid the wait?
So just wait until the money shows up in my paypal balance. So would I send the payment again through the ebay page (PAY NOW) or just do it through the Paypal (send money)? Which account would I go with though? The original on that is connected with ebay, or the second one he mentioned? Also, since the money would already still (when it goes through) be in my account, wouldnt I be able to just pay with that and avoid the wait?

Those are good questions. I think once PP issues a refund, it registers with Ebay as being unpayed, and you can make payment through Ebay a second time. I would definately try to go through Ebay.

I know because when I was issued a partial refund, my status on Ebay for that item went from paid to partially payed, and it kept saying I needed to pay for one item.
Moving this to 'other topics' rather than the general collectables forum.
You may get more help there with your questions.
x :D

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