ac cloud delayed,first batch maybe release on july.
tifa maybe got news after cloud release.
noctis prototype almost finish.
aerith body prototype disposed,going to have a new one.(redo)
Thanks Walter, not a lot of particularly good news lolnews,
ac cloud delayed,first batch maybe release on july.
tifa maybe got news after cloud release.
noctis prototype almost finish.
aerith body prototype disposed,going to have a new one.(redo)
View attachment 639649
Thank you @walter88 for the,
ac cloud delayed,first batch maybe release on july.
tifa maybe got news after cloud release.
noctis prototype almost finish.
aerith body prototype disposed,going to have a new one.(redo)
View attachment 639649
ac cloud delayed,first batch maybe release on july.
tifa maybe got news after cloud release.
noctis prototype almost finish.
aerith body prototype disposed,going to have a new one.(redo)
View attachment 639649
I’m sure not the news we wanted to hear but any news is a good sign that things are moving,
ac cloud delayed,first batch maybe release on july.
tifa maybe got news after cloud release.
noctis prototype almost finish.
aerith body prototype disposed,going to have a new one.(redo)
View attachment 639649
I mean, it's not like we aren't going to get the GT as well. I do need TE Aerith for one of my dios and when the GT is released I'll probably switch it up and use the closed eyes TE Aerith head for a death scene diorama.To those who have decided to go with another brand, I wish you all the best. But personally, I am willing to wait for Gametoys because I believe in their quality.
Haha of course.. the more the merrier ..I mean, it's not like we aren't going to get the GT as well. I do need TE Aerith for one of my dios and when the GT is released I'll probably switch it up and use the closed eyes TE Aerith head for a death scene diorama.
Such a gorgeous sculptfinal version of fusion sword,sword is plastic even it sound like metal.
video file too large to upload so i link it here
and noctis 13versus prototype
View attachment 640007
final version of fusion sword,sword is plastic even it sound like metal.
video file too large to upload so i link it here
and noctis 13versus prototype
View attachment 640007
It's reminding me of Master Hand from Super Smash Bros VS CloudWalter Thank you so much. The cloud sword is also very nice and good, but the GT Boss hand is even cooler ^^