This is why I’ve always believed in INART and will stick by them.
For a character like Superman, you’re not gonna get a whole bunch of accessories. With that being the case, it stands to reason that ANY company, let alone HT, WOULD AND SHOULD release an already barebones character with an additional portrait…in the case with Superman, an angry expression with heat vision.
Let’s see, in MoS, Superman used his heat vision pretty liberally. Figure comes out and all we get is the key.
BvS, he used heat vision liberally. Figure comes out, and what do we get?
Josstice League…not as much. Figure comes out and we finally get a heat vision portrait, but it looks goofy. ALSO, we get the same BVS sculpt which didn’t have the best Cavill likeness to begin with.
ZSJL…recycled goofy heat vision AND recycled BVS sculpt.
‘Hot Toys are the King of 1/6 scale! I LOVE THEM!’
You’re gonna charge me the same price for Superman who has less than THAT figure, which also comes with a bunch of accessories and a 2nd head sculpt?
IA’s FIRST Superman will come with multiple accessories that aren’t there just for the sake of being there. They’re meaningful. Batman’s Cowl, the spear, photos of an abducted Martha…and…wait for it…
An effin fine looking heat vision portrait!!
“Relax. Figures not out yet, and they only released Joker so far.”
Yeah, and if that pic of the production update for Gandalf, a figure that is equally complex to Joker (arguably MORE so) hasn’t convinced you that IA aren’t here to **** around…well, I dunno what else to tell you.
“i don’t need that many accessories. I’ll only be displaying with X, and I don’t care about Y”
Thanks. I’m glad you chimed in to tell us that you don’t need XY and Z, meanwhile others such as myself not only want variety and options, but we also look for the VALUE in a product. I want to make a video about this subject one day. It’s one of the frustrating conversations that happens from time to time within the collecting community.
If the rumors of HT remaking Snyderverse figures are true…I don’t give a crap. I appreciate the ‘breaking news’ and BTS first look from the poster, but HT as a company have lost all good will for me. Their “rehabilitated” state and sudden spike in quality is done in bad faith. THEY NEVER WOULD’VE done ANY of this had IA not ‘rattled the cages”. And if god forbid IA folds due to HT shenanigans, I 1000 percent guarantee you HT will go back to the BS they’ve been producing for the past 10 years.
Whew, had to get that off my chest.
Thanks for reading my manib****sto