Soooo while I was bitching around, he is amazing in person, still not as great as the prototype but top notch sculpt. Very good likeness. I’d say the best likeness in this scale. Doesn’t need any kind of repaint imo. He is nowhere as skinny as photos show him. Still not accurate body but ten times better proportions in person. Head isn’t big either y'all just can’t photograph him.

Inspected all three under the microscope. No defects so far,skin texture/freckle placement varies as they are hand painted so there are some variations but nothing dramatic.
Two of them are perfect,
Third one has wrinkles on the wrists, I think some massage and heating will smooth it out.
regular sculpt is 10/10 imo. Don’t care much about the angry one but it’s very nice as well.
Overall giving 9/10 bc of the body.I don’t regret spending as much money on him. I hope fourth one has no issues either. Should be there soon, for some reason got stuck for few days. Suit is well made and despite inaccurate details still looks very good. I think any Cavill/Superman fan will be pleased.
P.S. glued on curl doesn’t make any sense, it truly stands out if you look at it closely. @Justin please keep your ideas for yourself.