JND / Kojun Works: The Dark Knight Rises - 1/6 Selina Kyle / Catwoman

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Don’t insult people mate.

A hot toys figure is ridiculously expensive to most people. $300 on a Barbie?! This is just outside of your comfort zone not everyone’s.

$300 to some people in the world is more then their yearly income.

I really don’t get why people get so bitter over this stuff. If you honestly have no chance of affording it but are feeling sad because you want it maybe stop looking at this stuff as it will just upset you. I want a lot of things I can’t afford, I don’t go onto Aston Martin forums and tell everyone their cars cost more than my house and that they are stupid for buying them 🙄.
Hold on bro. I’m not bitter nor do I want this figure so I’m sad - no, I’m active in a lot of threads with figures that I buy and don’t buy. All I’m saying like a few others have said after and before me, that this figure has the most outrageous pricing I’ve ever seen for a 1/6 specifically since I started collecting. Fellow bro came at me for no reason wanting to start hostility, I ended before it began.
Hold on bro. I’m not bitter nor do I want this figure so I’m sad - no, I’m active in a lot of threads with figures that I buy and don’t buy. All I’m saying like a few others have said after and before me, that this figure has the most outrageous pricing I’ve ever seen for a 1/6 specifically since I started collecting. Fellow bro came at me for no reason wanting to start hostility, I ended before it began.
Let's be clear - I didn't "come at you for no reason wanting to start hostility" - I asked you to clarify the point you were making. That's what can happen on a forum - you type a message, and you get a response.

We have all commented on the cost of the figure - being outrageous - but, most people have done that, based on what JND is offering, vs what a.n.other company might be offering for a similar product type....e.g. InArt or Hot Toys.

You came into the thread, and compared the cost of the figure to paying RENT. Where's the comparison in that. If you want a roof over your head, you pay rent (or a mortgage) - if you want a pretty action figure in your display, paying RENT doesn't scratch that itch. That was my point of contention - you were not comparing apples to apples - and therefore (IMHO) the point is moot.

We could spend forever comparing the prices of collectible figures to any random "other item" - why not golf clubs, shoes, cocaine, a bus.....
I mean I get the point being made though. For most of us a set that costs $2,000 is rent/mortgage (actually it’s slightly above my mortgage).

Sure people might have other expensive hobbies including sixth scale collecting but this is a bit of a different level.
No need to explain these things Lok.

Any reasonable adult would take a look at the price, make an internal decision and go from there, all - internally.

While maybe a few reach out to a friend or two to have them weigh in on it if they’re feeling stuck on what to do.

No reasonable adult spends their time complaining about the costs of luxury goods, no, instead they’re complaining about the cost of living, something they can’t say no to.

You’re going to reach nowhere with this guy, he’s set to hate it because it costs more than the competition he’s interested in.

Over my time on this forum I’ve been ridiculed for what I’ve spent on Ledger Joker customs, while those people own a Ledger Joker themselves, just one that costs less, do the math on that.
I think another reason this in particular would be hard to justify for myself is that I like the Hathaway Catwoman/Selina but don’t love her. I’d actually be more willing to shell out for the Jazzinc Catwoman two pack, which is still quite expensive.
We could spend forever comparing the prices of collectible figures to any random "other item" - why not golf clubs, shoes, cocaine, a bus.....
Why the F would I compare $200-$300 HT to a pack of cigarettes or shoes? Average price of HT is reasonably expensive but affordable. Of course I’m going to pick something like rent because this multi-pack indeed costs more than my rent, which I’m emphasising how high the cost is. You asked what my point was, here it is, I would never spend more than rent on a single figure. Yes in combination I’ve spent more on figures, but that’s collectively not a single purchase.
Unless Hathaway Catwoman is your absolute favorite character (I’d be hard pressed to find), or you’re a JND-completist (‘JND-izer’ was it?) who is okay with paying up for “dog water” as in Lokki’s words, OR you have even more fun-money to throw away, I don’t see how realistic this is for the average collector.

That’s not to mention that this Catwoman figure isn’t even as accurate as it could be for what it is. Details that are off that even Hot Toys got right as Lokki and others have pointed out.

That’s why I’ve been saying the price-to-value isn’t the best with this set. The way I see it is that most collectors will be happy enough with INART’s future offering (I mean a large collective is good enough with the new Hot Toys Catwoman already).
I'm the moron? Ok....

So you've set yourself a specific "you rule" that no single figure purchase will exceed your rent payment - fair enough. Not sure why that concerns anyone but you - but, nice to know.
Basically, didn’t you need to come at me.
Yeah except the word is value. This one is bad value.

I think the value depends on whether the additional figures (maid and airport) are something you want in your collection. These figures are unlikely to be made by anyone else - anytime soon. I would have preferred to have the choice to buy those figures or not - but then saying that, I'm more interested in the civilian parts of the set then the suited Catwoman.....so I need to swallow the cost, or let the door hit my ass on the way out.

Basically, didn’t you need to come at me.

Nobody came at you! You posted a comment, and I asked you to clarify - that's not coming at you. Have I called you names? Or challenged your understanding / intelligence? It strikes me as ironic, that the guy playing victim, is the one slinging insults....
I think the value depends on whether the additional figures (maid and airport) are something you want in your collection. These figures are unlikely to be made by anyone else - anytime soon. I would have preferred to have the choice to buy those figures or not - but then saying that, I'm more interested in the civilian parts of the set then the suited Catwoman.....so I need to swallow the cost, or let the door hit my ass on the way out.

Nobody came at you! You posted a comment, and I asked you to clarify - that's not coming at you. Have I called you names? Or challenged your understanding / intelligence? It strikes me as ironic, that the guy playing victim, is the one slinging insults....
In a previous comment you said “Anyone pulling the trigger on this? I can't decide - I know it's a bad buy

So you admit it’s bad value, not about wanting it in your collection or not. I want loads of stuff in my collection but I can still purchase something I deem overvalued if I want it badly enough.

As for the coming at me bit - I apologize for my harsh reply to you. You asked me to clarify my point and I already have in my previous comment.
No problem from my side - all is good.

I think it's a "bad buy" - because I need to pay for something I know I don't need - but, as I said, part of the set is calling me - and there isn't any alternatives (apart from a full on custom build). Yeah - as I think about it, there's no easy way to kitbash that maid / airport look - and if, then certainly not to a level that rivals what JND is showing.....
To other people your purchases are bad value.
Exactly, I can’t tell you how many threads I’ve visited here where I’ve thought to myself - I wouldn’t buy that for even $200 in a million years, what do they see in it that I don’t.

Jazzinc Catwoman is a prime example of this, a figure that to me, doesn’t even remotely justify the price, at best it looks 3rd party. That figure isn’t even up to InArt’s level, yet costs the same as one. JND didn’t put up the competition’s quality for JND prices.
Jazzinc Catwoman is a prime example of this, a figure that to me, doesn’t even remotely justify the price, at best it looks 3rd party. That figure isn’t even up to InArt’s level, yet costs the same as one.

JND didn’t put up the competition’s quality for JND prices.
Quality-wise, sure. But you’d think it’d still be more accurate than what it is (costuming details, proportions, likeness, etc).

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