Well, so far. This will surely explode in size over the next 3-4 months:
The Watchmen "swag" I returned from SDCC 2008 with:
Framed WATCHMEN 1-sheet posters:
Various framed art, including Sally Jupiter pin-up, Minutemen 1940 picture and art prints from Dave Gibbons' "Watching The Watchmen":
Six SDCC 2008 "mini-posters" framed:
Shirts, books, magazines, buttons, decals, RPGs and more:
Poster signed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Comedian), Carla Gugino (Silk Spectre I), and Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach) at SDCC '08:
Accompanying pic of them signing it, courtesy of "The Josh" (I made the poor guy take it...hehe):
The original Dave Gibbons/DC Watchmen Portfolio:
WATCHMEN crew patch, an actual 35mm film trailer and promo button:
Note: I have yet to take pics of the actual original comics (which are salted away) or the first printing of the TPB (which is banged-up and loaned out at the moment)
The Watchmen "swag" I returned from SDCC 2008 with:

Framed WATCHMEN 1-sheet posters:

Various framed art, including Sally Jupiter pin-up, Minutemen 1940 picture and art prints from Dave Gibbons' "Watching The Watchmen":

Six SDCC 2008 "mini-posters" framed:

Shirts, books, magazines, buttons, decals, RPGs and more:

Poster signed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Comedian), Carla Gugino (Silk Spectre I), and Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach) at SDCC '08:

Accompanying pic of them signing it, courtesy of "The Josh" (I made the poor guy take it...hehe):

The original Dave Gibbons/DC Watchmen Portfolio:

WATCHMEN crew patch, an actual 35mm film trailer and promo button:

Note: I have yet to take pics of the actual original comics (which are salted away) or the first printing of the TPB (which is banged-up and loaned out at the moment)