Excuse the poor photo quality. Didn't feel like setting up any lights so just took a few quick pics at my work desk where the Pred is currently hanging out with just the desk light on.
This is what my Pred currently looks like with the newly added leg straps. Still haven't figured out a good way of doing the knee/shin leather bits.
Detail, you can see how heavily weathered I did the straps. The elbow straps are weathered to match but I forgot to take some detailed pics of them. The leg straps are also shorter, as per the movie.
And what takes about a half an hour and most would think is a waste of time? That's right! Carefully masking off all the skin on the hands to dullcoat the gloves to give them a more leathery appearance. Going to do the rest of the hands as I'm very happy with how it turned out. It's a subtle change but one I really dig. Gives more contrast and thus more separation between the hand and the glove and thus more realism (imo).
New left, old right