Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Ironman – I'd love to SEE projects from you. Work on the painting that you have to do. Work on the costumes you want to make. Work on the things that you really want to build.

Unemployment should equate to you getting these types of things accomplished. You should be thriving in this hobby right now. If you can't find the time now, do you think you ever will?

C'mon brother, I'd like to see you apply yourself to this hobby that you love so much. I want to SEE your customs, instead of just hearing about them all the time.

Don’t you want to SEE them too?

BTW - Yeah - I'm worse than your kids. lol Do they tell you all this as well? :peace
Working has everything to do with enjoying the hobby. Have you seen all the wonderous things coming out? I can't get any of them that I hadn't already ordered. And even THOSE aren't showing up.
Unfortunately, unlike you, I don't have the skills and/or experience to make the things like you have. That results in frustration for me not enjoyment. I began painting a while back, and woumd up putting it aside for a while, rather than scrapping it completely, because I couldn't get the colors mixed the way I wanted. Now, when I finally have the robe patterns from Jess, i can't get anything accomplished because of the splint on my hand until my tendon heals. It really makes me feel as if god has singled me out as some kind of ultimate plaything to see how much he can push before I snap.
Unemployment also means searching for work. filling out applications, resumes and the like so that I can try and keep my family, my house and my sanity.
I also get depressed, if thats even the right word for it, with all the figures I have that are waiting on heads from various other sources.
So, yes, I would love to see so many projects get completed. But i'm waiting on some heads for over four years and now the guy says hes iin Korea with the military and won't even be able to look for the stuff of mine he has until he gets back - whenever that might be. I'm dissatisfied with my Burke but know that I would only further frustrate myself if I tried put hair on him so I am waiting on one of mine to return from Jess. No hard feelings towards her, she's great and does such marvelous work, but its still an unfinished piece that I, and maybe the rest of you would like to see. On the other hand, whats the point? After coming up with the Burke and Virdon options heads everyone else has already finished theirs and posted them so mine would only be more of the same old thing.
You want to see the mutants. Me too. But there's only a small group that are done. The rest need fleshless heads that aren't zombified.
But forgive me. I didn't mean to go off on such a tangent. Its been a rotten week and I find myself venting needlessly.
Maybe I'll be back later.......
Maybe some of you will be interested to know that on hot toys website all apes are "in store".
It does seem very far fetched.
BTW, how did you get that pic for your avatar? Everytime i tried to copy it from the Blam site I only got a small part of it.
I'm going to send you what I have done of the story.
It does seem very far fetched.
BTW, how did you get that pic for your avatar? Everytime i tried to copy it from the Blam site I only got a small part of it.
I'm going to send you what I have done of the story.

No, I just sketched the first six sentences. What do you think?


I will continue so you could get a feel for how I see it unfolding. After I get everything sketched, then we can work on Set design, Prop list, and shot list.

I'll get you the Blam picture :) Hold on.
For the Avatar, just trying clicking on my and dragging it to your desktop, then upload it to yours. Does that work? I forgot where I got it because I know what you are talking about, I got it somewhere from BLAM's site I think, I had to shrink it down to be my Avatar.
Hello fellas! Well, I had my first night of work last night since being layed off on June 30th, 2008. Man, I am just not a graveyard shift person! 10:00PM-06:00AM. I just have to keep telling myself, that a job is a job right now. Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling well today and can get back into this great hobby. I would also appreciate it if someone can list the Blam site link for me. Thanks, Kent.:monkey5
O.K. IM I just read it. Hmmm. We should keep it really simple for now, especially for lack of funds to create these sets. Maybe for the first installment, lets have the rubbled ruins as the major set. Also, Lets have the two escaping humans flee into the city followed by the five gorillas on foot, (horses would be hard to articulate the movement.) After they spread out to investigate the city they are taken out 1 by 1 by shadowy human figure. After the immediate threat is gone, we see Taylor or Brent greet the two scared humans and lead them away down a tunnel cut to Apes on horseback entering town to find the dazed gorillas without their weapons and realizing the humans have escaped, for now........The end. The second film could involve the mutants.. Let me know.
Hello fellas! Well, I had my first night of work last night since being layed off on June 30th, 2008. Man, I am just not a graveyard shift person! 10:00PM-06:00AM. I just have to keep telling myself, that a job is a job right now. Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling well today and can get back into this great hobby. I would also appreciate it if someone can list the Blam site link for me. Thanks, Kent.:monkey5

Congrats KFOG...

Just google Conspiracy Planet of the apes, even search Googles images. I hope that helps.
IM, just keep it really simple because every shot is done almost three times, Master, Reverse, and CU so try drawing some of your ideas, this will help you keep it short. We'll work together on this. It will be fun. :)
IM, just keep it really simple because every shot is done almost three times, Master, Reverse, and CU so try drawing some of your ideas, this will help you keep it short. We'll work together on this. It will be fun. :)

Ok. I'm used to using words to get people to "see" what I'm seeing. This is fun. If you can, read it all over, then email me with what you feel the 1st installment can use and what needs to be edited out.