Re: Custom 1/6 Hobo Michael Myers Complete RZ Halloween 2
Kudos to you sir!!!:chew An excellent custom right there!!!
Kudos to you sir!!!:chew An excellent custom right there!!!
kudos to you sir!!!:chew an excellent custom right there!!!:d
Me likes. It's as good as Ones was. Great job.
You pointed it out to him // ahahhahaha i knew that , but it slipped my mind that you are ( beta2g , tom ) sorry dude im a retard //ahahhaa /// yeah that was crazy that u found that cuz we never woulda knew it , thanks
looking good man!!! Excellent job.
What you doing with it?
i am still debating if im gunna sell it or not /// what do u think?
i am still debating if im gunna sell it or not /// what do u think?
Looks great. Very well done.
As long as you know you can do it again, and probably better with experience. I say sell it if ya need the dough. If not cherish it for the treasure it is.
If it feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest when your packing it up, it was a bad idea.
perhaps one thread for your next custom?