i'm thinking about doing a commission for a custom sculpt of mel gibson for a braveheart custom. does anyone know if any decent mel heads are out there before i do a commission?
yeah i havent seen any good mel heads around. there's a few guys on the statue forum i'm thinking about doing a commission with. most artists here are booked or on a waiting list.
another cool one to do would be a mel from payback or lethal weapon 4. mel didn't age too well so anything around that time frame would work. before that and he looks too young. maybe a mad max thunderdome version might be doable
im really surprised we still havent seen a mel figure. mad max, braveheart, lethal, on and on. im sure someday some company will do them. then let the customs begin!
It is a new version being sculpted by Kuato and commissioned by Toy Anxiety. Here's a rough early sculpt teaser. We will be starting a thread specific for this sculpt soon. The intentions are to do the Max, and then modify the hair for Riggs to be offered later. This was started only days ago. Not ready to start a list yet. We'll let everyone know when we're ready in the specific thread.
I just bought a Numo version of a long haired Mel off eBay. It is pretty good but it looks a little asian. Maybe when I get around to painting it it will look better. He had a picture of a painted one on his auction and it looke great. Then there's Ada's. I'm not sire how big it is but looks like an older short haired Mel. It might work for that last movie he was in. I can't remember the name but he played a cop whose daughter was killed. https://cgi.ebay.com/Mel-Gibson-Act...tem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2303a415f8