The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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I liked yesterday's TeeFury enough to get it for my wife, the imagination behind it was cool.
Wolverine on TeeFury

Next five TeeFurys previewed


The swiss army knife with Lion-O's sword, lightsaber, harry's wand, JB's gun peeking through made me laugh but overall its another week to save some cash.
They have and awsome looking "sea beard" shirt that only is avaliable in chicks! :monkey2

May pick up the deep tree diving one though,


Lightsaber, Sword of Omens (Thundercats), Power Sword (He-Man), Noisy Cricket (MIB), The Samaritan (Hellboy), Mjolnir (Thor), Sting (LotR) and Phaser?

Not sure who's grappling hook, silenced gun and the other lightsaber looking thing are.
Rorshach's grappling gun, Dr Who Sonic Screwdriver :hi5:

I didn't see He-Man's sword at first.