The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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OOOoooo Wallz...ur thats racist. :nono

See me and Ill are minorities so we got the pass. :lol

I'm gona make a shirt that says something like that!

You're right. :peace

I have to start being selective as well. I received a Ript shirt last week, got 3 shirts at Celebration (including Bam's), and have a Threadless shirt coming this week.

I'm with you... I picked up like four in total between give aways and purchases and they all ended up being big. :gah:

Bam where's that Ewok Predator shirt??? Get on it!!!

Never heard of it? What channel?
Is it reality TV.....i don't do reality tv. :cool:

Cept maybe for So you think you can dance! :chew